
  • 网络tracheal rings
  1. 术中探查:局部受压处气管软骨环消失2例,气管软骨环变细、变薄、变软34例。

    The compressed tracheal cartilage disappeared in 2 cases , became thin and soft in other 34 cases .

  2. 切除颈部气管6个软骨环,行人工气管置换。

    Six-ring cervical trachea was resected and replaced with this artificial trachea made .

  3. 剑鞘气管的形成是由于慢性咳嗽所致气管软骨环的损伤、重塑型和营养不良性骨化。

    The formation of saber sheath trachea is caused by the injury of the tracheal cartilage due to chronic coughing , resulting in remodeling and dystrophic ossification of the cartilage .