
  • 网络Endotracheal Intubation;tracheal intubation
  1. 腭裂手术麻醉困难气管内插管的术前评估

    Preoperative evaluation of difficult endotracheal intubation for cleft palate patients

  2. 唇腭裂病人气管内插管麻醉术后喉头水肿的预防

    Prevention on laryngeal edema in infants with chilopalatognathus after underwent anesthesia by endotracheal intubation

  3. 方法:对16例颌面部复杂骨折患者实施下颌下径路经口气管内插管麻醉,术中使用自行研制的引管装置辅助引管。

    METHODS : Sixteen cases of complex maxillofacial fractures were treated with submandibular endotracheal intubation , self-made tube was used to assist tube guidance during operation .

  4. 结果麻醉前有2例患儿在监护室即行气管内插管,1例术前静滴前列腺素E1(0.05μg·kg-1·min-1);

    RESULTS Before anesthesia , 2 newborns received endotracheal intubation in the intensive care unit , 1 newborn was given intravenous prostaglandin E1 ( 0.05 μ g · kg - 1 · min - 1 );

  5. 气管插管全麻手术相关的消毒管理研究腭裂手术麻醉困难气管内插管的术前评估

    STUDY ON MANAGEMENT OF DISINFECTION RELEVANT TO GENERAL ANESTHESIA WITH TRACHEAL INTUBATION Preoperative evaluation of difficult endotracheal intubation for cleft palate patients