
  • 网络tracheal ring;TOC;CCTR
  1. 同时建立起鸡胚气管环模型,验证气管细胞毒素的存在及其对气管纤毛上皮的致病作用。

    At the same time , chicken embryo tracheal ring model was established to verify the existence of tracheal cytotoxin and its pathogenic effects on tracheal cilia epithelium .

  2. 用动物回归和免疫保护试验进行了毒株的致病性研究,用气管环组织培养对病毒进行理化特征测定、毒价测定与中和试验。

    In addition , the determination of physical and chemical property of the viruses by using tracheal ring culture , virulence measurement and virus neutralization test were applied too .

  3. 48h后,气管环全部由假复层纤毛柱状上皮细胞覆盖。

    Forty-eight hours later , the tracheal rings were entirely covered by pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium .

  4. 与F株比较,SJ株对鸡胚气管环纤毛的损伤更为严重。

    Compared with MG F strain , SJ stain could cause the cilia of chicken embryo trachea more heavily pathological lesion by trachea organ culture .

  5. 用气管环交叉中和试验鉴定IBV山东分离株的血清型

    Serotype identification of four isolates of infectious bronchitis virus from Shandong by cross neutralization tests in tracheal organ cultures

  6. 本文运用气管环血清中和试验对12个IBV毒株进行了血清型研究。

    Neutralisation test in tracheal organ cultures was employed to make a study on the serotype of 12 IBV strains in this paper , using ciliary activity of tracheal organ cultures as indicator system .

  7. 颈段气管环的形态观测及临床意义

    Morphological measurement and clinical significance of the cervical trachea ring

  8. 香烟烟雾提取物对小鼠气管环上皮钙粘附素表达的影响

    Effects of cigarette smoke extract on E cadherin expression of mice trachea

  9. 鸡胚气管环组织体外分离培养的探讨

    Discussion on Tracheal Organ Culture in Vitro of Chicken Embryo

  10. 第一气管环的应用解剖学观察

    An applied anatomic observation on first trachea ring

  11. 鸡传染性支气管炎病毒在鸡胚肾细胞和气管环培养中的适应性比较

    Comparative sensitivities of chicken embryo kidney cell cultures and tracheal organ cultures to infectious bronchitis virus

  12. 羟基磷灰石人工气管环喉气管重建术

    Hydroxyapatite for Laryngotracheal Framework Reconstruction

  13. 结果:发现咽下缩肌不仅有起于甲状软骨和环状软骨的肌纤维,而且有起于第1气管环的肌纤维和肌腱。

    Results : Not only did inferior constrictor start from thyroid cartilage and cricoid cartilage , but also start from first trachea ring .

  14. 而第5、第6气管环的内横径,内矢状径是基本相等的,分别为17.1mm和14.2mm。

    However , the internal transverse and sagittal diameter of the sixth trachea was equal to that of fifth , 17.1 mm and 14.2 mm separately .

  15. 方法:对40具正常成人尸体第1气管环至第6气管环的结构进行了详细的观察测量。

    Methods : The structures of the first to sixth trachea ring were observed and measured on 40 normal cadavers ( male 30 and female 10 ) .

  16. 文章结果表明,对于大鼠无载荷状态气管环,软骨剪开与肌肉剪开所展成的张开角是不同的,软骨剪开对应的张开角明显大于肌肉剪开的张开角。

    Results in this paper show that for the no-load ring of rat trachea , the opening angle obtained for cartilaginous cut differs from that for muscular cut , i.e. the opening angle . for cartilaginous cut is significantly larger than that for muscular cut .

  17. 术中探查:局部受压处气管软骨环消失2例,气管软骨环变细、变薄、变软34例。

    The compressed tracheal cartilage disappeared in 2 cases , became thin and soft in other 34 cases .

  18. 57只先天性膈疝胎鼠中,40只有不完全的气管软环,12只有程度不等的气管狭窄,并与异常的血管环相关。

    Forty fetuses had uncompleted tracheal ring and 12 had variable degrees of tracheal stenosis related the vascular rings .

  19. 青蒿琥酯对豚鼠气管组织腺苷酸环化酶活性呈药物浓度依赖性明显的激活作用。

    Artesunate had an action to activate significantly the adenylate cyclase of tracheal tissue from guinea pig in a concentration dependent manner .

  20. 目的:探讨在局麻下经间接喉镜和直接喉镜杓状软骨拨动术对气管插管致环杓关节脱位的疗效。

    Objective : To assess the curative effects of the dislocation of cricoarytenoid joint caused by intubation , indirect laryngoscope ( IL ) and direct laryngoscope ( DL ) were utilized to the closed reduction of the displaced arytenoid under local anesthesia .

  21. 切除颈部气管6个软骨环,行人工气管置换。

    Six-ring cervical trachea was resected and replaced with this artificial trachea made .

  22. 气管隆突上方的气管环数目平均为20.66个。

    There are 20.66 trachea rings above the trachea eminence averagely .

  23. 方法32条犬,全麻经左或右第四肋进胸,切除气管下段8~15个气管环长度。

    Method Thirty-two dogs under general anesthesia underwent the thoracic operation through the 4th costa at left or right . The bronchial lines of 8 to 15 were resected .

  24. 剑鞘气管的形成是由于慢性咳嗽所致气管软骨环的损伤、重塑型和营养不良性骨化。

    The formation of saber sheath trachea is caused by the injury of the tracheal cartilage due to chronic coughing , resulting in remodeling and dystrophic ossification of the cartilage .

  25. 对气管套管气囊的位置、气管套管末端的位置及无名动脉对应的气管环的位置进行了观察。

    The gas pool position of trachea casing pipe , the end position of the trachea casing pipe and the position of trachea hoop against anonymous artery .

  26. 严重喉气管狭窄、闭锁或合并气管大面积缺损以双蒂肌皮瓣、复合肋软骨和人工气管环重建术效果较好;

    Reconstruction with combined bipedicled myocutaneous flap and costal cartilage or artificial materials are better for severe laryngotracheal stenosis and large tracheal defect .