
qì ɡuǎn qiē kāi shù
  • tracheotomy
  1. 经皮气管切开术在ICU重症病人中的应用

    Application of percutaneous tracheotomy in critical ICU patients

  2. 目的观察经皮气管切开术(PDT)和传统气管切开术(OT)在ICU的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate comparatively the clinical efficacy of percutaneous dilatational tracheotomy ( PDT ) and conventional tracheotomy for critically ill patients in ICU .

  3. 目的:探讨经皮穿刺气管造口术(PT)和常规气管切开术(ST)2种气管造口方法的临床效果。

    Objective : Evaluation of percutaneous tracheostomy ( PT ) with surgical tracheostomy ( ST ) .

  4. 目的:观察并分析经皮穿刺气管切开术(PT)的急救效果。

    Objective : To analyze the value of percutaneous tracheostomy ( PT ) in emergency treatment .

  5. 经皮气管切开术在ICU患者中的运用

    The effects of percutaneous tracheostomy to patients in ICU

  6. 经皮气管切开术在ICU应用价值探讨白内障手术切口后方的皮质处理方法

    Clinical discussion of the mangement of cortex behind the incision during cataract surgery

  7. 目的探讨经皮气管切开术在ICU患者中的应用效果。

    Objective To study the percutaneous tracheotomy patients in the ICU application effect .

  8. [目的]重症颅脑损伤病人24h之内行气管切开术后感染预防。

    [ Objective ] To study the Prophylaxis of infection due to tracheotomy within 24 hrs after severe craniocerebral injury .

  9. 单因素分析显示肿瘤生长部位、病理学分级、T分期、N分期、临床分期对生存率的影响有统计学意义(P0.05),而是否行气管切开术无统计学意义。

    Univariate analysis showed that primary site , pathological grade , T-stage , N-stage and clinical stage were proven to significant ( P0.05 ) . If had performed tracheotomy that was nonsignificant to affect survival rates .

  10. 结论:(1)重症监护室(ICU)气管切开术后呼吸机辅助呼吸患者下呼吸道感染发生率高,高发时间在术后一周左右。

    Conclusion : ( 1 ) After tracheotomy , patients with ventilator-assisted breathing have a high incidence of lower respiratory infection in intensive care unit ( ICU ), especially within one week .

  11. 目的:探讨改良经皮扩张气管切开术(IPDT)在急诊和ICU的应用价值。

    Aim : To explore the value of the improved percutaneous dilational tracheostomy ( IPDT ) in emergency and intensive case unit ( ICU ) .

  12. 介绍一种气管切开术后简易护理装置

    Introduction of a simple nursing apparatus for patients after underwent tracheotomy

  13. 气管切开术后特殊情况的观察与护理6例

    Observation for Unusual Situations After Tracheotomy and Nursing of the Case

  14. 烧伤合并吸入性损伤行气管切开术的时机和指征

    Indications and time of tracheotomy in burn patients with inhalation injury

  15. 气管切开术后并发呼吸道梗阻原因分析和护理

    Causation analysis and nursing of the respiratory tract obstruction after tracheotomy

  16. 小儿气管切开术后留置套管的家庭护理

    Familial nursing care of children with indwelling canula after underwent tracheotomy

  17. 肌松剂用于破伤风行气管切开术的护理

    Care of Patient with Gravis Tetanus experiencing Tracheotomy under Muscle relaxant

  18. 气管切开术后并发气管无名动脉瘘的法医学初探

    The forensic medicine study on trachea arteria anonyma fistula after tracheotomy

  19. 气管切开术后病人并发呼吸道阻塞原因分析与管理对策

    Reason analysis and management strategies of airway obstruction in tracheotomy patients

  20. 烧伤病人气管切开术后护理效果评价

    Evaluation of the nursing effect on burn patients after tracheolaryngotomy

  21. 急性有机磷中毒病人气管切开术后排痰的护理

    Nursing on removing sputum of patients with acute organophosphorous poisoning after tracheotomy

  22. 纤维喉镜观察下气管切开术后拔管护理

    Nursing of Decannulation for Patients after Tracheotomy Under Fiberoptic Laryngoscope

  23. 气管切开术后脱管原因分析及处理

    Cause and treatment of trachea cannula exodus after executed tracheotomy

  24. 经皮扩张气管切开术在凝血功能障碍患者中的应用

    Application of Percutaneous Dilational Tracheostomy for Patients Who Are in Coagulation Disorders

  25. 经皮扩张气管切开术在有机磷中毒中间综合征中的研究

    Application of Percutaneous Dilatation Tracheotomy in the Intermediate Syndrome of Organophosphorous Poisoning

  26. 气管切开术后意外情况的处理及预防

    Analysis of accidents after tracheotomy and the treatment and prevention

  27. 气管切开术在治疗头面颈部烧伤中的临床意义

    Clinical significance of tracheotomy in treating head - neck burns

  28. 气管切开术后拔除患者气管套管时机的选择

    The choice of time of tracheal cannula extubation after tracheotomy

  29. 气管切开术后继发气管内大出血死亡1例

    A case of death caused by intratracheal massive hemorrhage secondary to post-tracheotomy

  30. 气管切开术后内套管两种消毒法对照

    Comparison of The Two Sterilization Methods on Interior-casing after Tracheotomy