
  • 网络General treatment;General therapy;conventional treatment
  1. 免疫球蛋白疗效明显高于激素,目前认为激素与一般治疗无差别,而激素在治疗GBS患者的效果,可能与GBS为自限性疾病的自然转归引起。

    Efficacy of immunoglobulin was significantly higher than hormones , hormones and general treatment now that the non-discrimination , and hormonal effects in the treatment of patients with GBS , GBS may be self-limiting disease caused by a natural outcome .

  2. 方法42例确诊的AMI患者,经静脉溶栓或一般治疗,测定入院时即刻和胸痛发作后2,4,6,10,14,20,24小时及第2至第9天的血浆CRP、CKMB浓度。

    Methods 42 patients were accepted intravenous thrombolytic treatment or general treatment , determined their serum CRP and creatine kinase MB ( CK-MB ) concentrations at the time of admission and 2,4,6,10,14,20,24 hours and then daily from 2 to 9 days after the onset of chest pain .

  3. 血液透析组RBC&ICR水平低于内科一般治疗组(P<0.05)。

    RBC & ICR in blood purification group was lower than physician normal treatment group ( p < 0 . 05 ) .

  4. 对照组给予ACS的一般治疗,不予任何降脂药;

    Control group just only accepted routine therapy of ACS except non-lipid-lowering drugs ;

  5. 结果:显示黄芪治疗组心绞痛改善、静息心电图改善,总有效率分别为90.91%、85.94%,与一般治疗组比较均有显著性差异(P0.05),疗效明显优于一般治疗组。

    Results : The effective rates of angina pectoris and resting ECG improvement were 90 91 % and 85 94 % respectively . Compared with control group , the radix astragali group was significantly more effective ( P 0 05 ) .

  6. 对照组为一般治疗。

    The control group which include 42 cases were received routine therapy .

  7. 一般治疗:主要为卧床休息和抬高患肢。

    General treatment : Bed rest and raise the affected limb high .

  8. 治疗:一般治疗及药物治疗等。

    Treatment : general therapy ; pharmic therapy etc.

  9. 一般治疗组96例。

    General treatment group ( 96 patients ) .

  10. 一般治疗5次左右可以治愈,无遗留瘢痕。

    There was no scar left after treatment .

  11. 观察组在一般治疗的基础上采用捏脊与按摩疗法。

    On the basis of which , the treatment group was added chiropractics and massage .

  12. 在治疗上,若有明确的病因首先需要治疗原发病,一般治疗主要目标是防治心衰,改善症状。

    In the treatment , the main goal is to prevent heart failure and improve symptoms .

  13. 两组在一般治疗基础上,治疗组口服清热利湿汤,8周为1个疗程。

    Based on the general treatment of the two groups , treatment group was treated with qing-re-li-shi-tang .

  14. 本文对比分析了高压氧治疗和一般治疗的脑梗塞各50例。

    Cases of cerebral infarction divided into two groups were treated by high pressure oxygen and general treatment respectively .

  15. 方法:将80例确诊为腰椎间盘突出症患者随机分成一般治疗组(对照组)和早期康复治疗组(实验组),各40例。

    METHODS : totally 80 cases of LIDP were randomly divided into two groups , every group has 40 cases .

  16. 一般治疗睡眠呼吸暂停有助于减少鼾症而且是否是打鼾者应该由睡眠专业医师做出评估。

    Often , treating sleep apnea can help reduce snoring , and snorers should be evaluated by a sleep specialist .

  17. 7例出现慢性腹泻,经一般治疗效果不明显者,加用口服胰酶片治疗,2周后腹泻较用药前有明显缓解。

    Seven cases with chronic diarrhea had additional treatment with oral pancreatic enzyme and symptoms were relieved 2 weeks after treatment .

  18. 肿大的淋巴结对一般治疗无反应,常持续肿大超过半年以上。

    Swollen lymph node on the general treatment of non-response , often sustained for more than six months or more nodes .

  19. 方法对80例经一般治疗无效的癔病性失音患者,进行硬起声发声训练,训练后行喉部按摩。

    Methods 80 hysterical aphonia patients who had failed to response to general treatment received hard attack vocalization training and massage to larynx .

  20. 结果加用干扰素α-1b保留灌肠治疗组效果明显优于一般治疗组。

    Results The effects of the treatment group which adds the interferon α - 1b retention enema surpass the common treatment group obviously .

  21. 每天一次,10天为一疗程,间隔1周进行下一疗程,一般治疗12个疗程。

    Once everyday , with 10 days being a therapeutic course , the treatment was conducted next therapeutic course 7 days off , usually 12 courses being carried out .

  22. 对照组17例,采用一般治疗方法,包括输液、小剂量胰岛素应用、纠正电解质紊乱和抗感染等。

    17 patients as control group were given conventional treatment that included fluid replacement , intravenous small dose insulin , correction of electrolytes disturbances and anti-infection , et al .

  23. 2003~2005年在宁夏某奶牛场曾发生多次腐蹄病病例,严重影响奶牛的生产性能,用一般治疗方法其治愈率甚微。

    There are many cases of the dairy cow ulcer hoof disease in some farms of Ningxia in 2003 ~ 2005 , which severely influenced the dairy cow production ability .

  24. 方法治疗组(22例)应用思密达进行治疗,对照组(20例)进行一般治疗或停乳。

    Methods In the treatment group ( 22 cases ) Smecta was used , with routine treatment or withdrawal of breast milk in the control group ( 20 cases ) .

  25. 目前雷诺现象的治疗包括一般治疗,药物治疗和手术治疗。继发性雷诺现象,还应当包括原发病治疗和去除损伤因素。

    The treatment include general treatment , drug treatment and surgical treatment , for the Secondary Raynaud disease , there are always primary disease therapy and getting rid of the injury .

  26. 目的:探讨自身免疫性肝病的临床、生化特点和病原抗体表达情况及一般治疗规律。

    Objective : To discuss the characteristics of clinical situation and biochemistry of autoimmune liver disease , the expression situation of their viral marks , and the general treatment principle of them .

  27. 最后结合戏剧疗法的一般治疗过程,设计了将其纳入社会工作,尤其是小组工作方法的的具体操作办法。

    Finally a specific operating approach of bringing drama therapy into social work method , especially group work method , is presented with the combination of the general treatment process of drama therapy .

  28. 方法:治疗组:在对症、龙胆紫外涂等一般治疗基础上加用阿昔洛韦,剂量为10mg/(kg.d),加入生理盐水中静滴,每日2次,连用4~6d。

    Methods : For children in treatment group Acyclovir was used intravenous dript in a dosage of 10 mg / kg , added into normal saline , once a day for 4 ~ 6 days .

  29. 报道了84例急性病毒性心肌炎患者及11例正常人核素左心室功能测定,并将患者分为两组,分别应用参麦注射液和一般治疗。

    The left ventricular functions were examined by radionuclide ventriculography in 84 patients with acute viral myocarditis and 11 normal persons . The patients were divided into two groups . One group was treated with Ginseng-Ophiopogon injection .

  30. 方法106例肺性脑病随机分成两组:对照组(54例)给予抗炎、氧疗等一般治疗及呼吸兴奋剂治疗;

    Method 106 patients with lung-brain syndrome were randomly divided into two groups-the control group and the therapeutic group . 54 patients in the control group were cured with general treatment of anti-infective general treatment of oxygen therapy and respiratory stimulant etc.