
  • 网络The Grandmaster;the great master;The Grand Master
  1. 《一代宗师》很快得到了评论人士的好评。《综艺》(Variety)杂志称,这部电影“超乎预期”,而视频直播网站Twitch说该片是动作场面的视觉盛宴。

    Critics were quick to praise ' The Grandmaster . ' Variety said the film ' exceeds expectations , ' while Twitch described it as ' an action-packed visual feast . '

  2. 香港导演王家卫执导的功夫电影《一代宗师》(TheGrandmaster)领跑今年金马奖(GoldenHorseAwards)入围名单,共获得11项提名,其中包括最佳剧情片提名和最佳导演提名。

    Hong Kong director Wong Kar-wai 's martial-arts drama ' The Grandmaster ' tops this year 's Golden Horse Awards nominations with 11 nods , including best feature film and best director .

  3. 他的母亲在报纸上看到了他凭藉《一代宗师》(Grandmaster)获得奥斯卡金像奖(AcademyAward)最佳服装设计提名的消息。

    She 'd read in the newspaper that his costume designs for ' The Grandmaster , ' directed by Wong Kar-wai , were nominated for an Academy Award .

  4. 执导了《花样年华》(IntheMoodforLove)和《2046》等影片的王家卫(WongKar-wai)今年1月也携《一代宗师》(TheGrandmaster)来“凑热闹”,其中梁朝伟饰演叶问。

    In January , Wong Kar-wai , director of cinephile fare such as ' In the Mood for Love ' and ' 2046 , ' joined the party with ' The Grandmaster , ' starring Tony Leung Chiu-wai .

  5. 经过了10年的筹备和三年的拍摄,王家卫执导的《一代宗师》(TheGrandmaster)本周二在中国内地上映。有关这部电影能否达到观众较高预期的疑问一直挥之不去,但在影片上映后马上无影无踪。

    After a decade of preparation and three years of filming , Wong Kar-wai 's ' The Grandmaster ' opened in China on Tuesday , and any lingering questions over whether the movie would live up to its lofty expectations immediately evaporated .

  6. 中国近代工程技术界的一代宗师詹天佑

    Zhan tianyou : master of engineering and technology in modern China

  7. 赖特是现代建筑的一代宗师。

    Frank Lloyd Wright is a great master of modern architecture .

  8. 近代中国数学教育的一代宗师&姜立夫

    Ginger Syrup A Master of Mathematical Education in Modern China-JIANG Li fu

  9. 在《一代宗师》中,这一点体现在黑色的运用上。

    In ' The Grandmaster ' it is the use of black .

  10. 管仲堪称中国古代城市规划建设的一代宗师。

    Guan Zhong was the master of ancient Chinese city planning and construction .

  11. 中国摄影的一代宗师&吴印咸

    Wu Yinxian ── A Master photographer in China

  12. 王家卫钟爱重复使用主题,而《一代宗师》也不例外。

    Wong is a fan of recurring themes and The Grandmaster is no exception .

  13. 问:你在《一代宗师》布景工作中遇到的最大挑战是什么?

    What was your biggest challenge in making sets for ' The Grandmaster ' ?

  14. 不愧是一代宗师,他走棋的策略千变万化。

    With an ever-changing strategy for playing chess , he is really worthy of being called a master .

  15. 徐皓峰的《师父》就像是精缩版的《一代宗师》(后者的剧本徐皓峰也有参与)。

    Xu Haofeng 's The Master seems to be a scaled-down version of The Grandmaster , which he co-wrote .

  16. 这是一代宗师白石老人的感悟,也是中华民族的审美意趣所在。

    This is the generation of master baishi-qi elderly sentiment , But also the aesthetic Interest of the Chinese nation .

  17. 他正准备监制自己第一部电影,希望在《一代宗师》之后即开始制作。

    He is preparing for his first film as a producer , which he hopes to make directly after Grand Master .

  18. 伏尔泰作为十八世纪法国启蒙运动的一代宗师,提出了他的理性主义的两大主题:推倒两樽神,即天上之神宗教神学,和地上之神封建专制主义;

    As a master of the Enlightenment in French in 18th Century , Voltaire had put forward two subjects of his rationalism ;

  19. 马歇尔·麦克卢汉是世界知名的媒介传播研究学家,同时也是传播学媒介环境学派的一代宗师。

    As the world-renowned scientist on the media communication , Marshall McLuhan is also the great master of the school of Media Ecology .

  20. 威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯是美国现代新诗的一代宗师,受庞德及意象主义的影响甚深。

    As the forerunner of modern American poetry , William Carlos Williams has been deeply influenced by Ezra Pound as well as Imagism .

  21. 尤金·奥尼尔是美国最著名的剧作家之一,也是描绘人物内心世界最透彻、刻画人物关系最丰富的一代宗师。

    Eugene O'Neill is known for his profound description of characters ' internal world , especially in the context of the characters ' relationship .

  22. 彭于晏的帅气固然毋庸置疑,但对于这样一部再现一代宗师传奇人生的影片,观众们势必会关注他在打戏上的表现。

    Handsome though Peng is , audiences " focus and expectations will probably still be on how he reinterprets the character in fight scenes .

  23. 时间让人变得脆弱,无力自护,该片尤其表现了这点是如何令一代宗师身陷困境的。

    In this movie particularly , the idea that age makes them weak and less able to defend themselves troubles the martial arts masters .

  24. 当被问及火车的形象在他众多的影片(比如《一代宗师》)中是否具有任何特殊含义时,王家卫答道:没有。

    Asked whether images of trains in his films such as ' The Grandmaster ' have any particular significance , Mr. Wong responded : ' No.

  25. 作为京剧艺术的一代宗师,他的表演艺术反映了中国传统古典艺术的美学思想和美学特征。

    As a generation of Peking Opera master , he reflects the traditional Chinese performing arts , classical art and aesthetic characteristics of the aesthetic ideas .

  26. 孔子(公元前551-479年),中国古代的思想家、教育家、伦理学家,是万世敬仰的一代宗师,是中华民族传统文化的代表。

    Confucius ( 551-479 BC ), the ancient Chinese thinker , educator and ethicist , is a renowned and respected master and the representative of traditional Chinese culture .

  27. 他说,它帮助我不仅拥有了一代宗师的外貌,还有了他的心态和灵魂。

    ' It helped me not to just have the look of a grandmaster , but have the state of mind and the soul of the grandmaster , ' he said .

  28. 电影《一代宗师》讲述的故事发生在20世纪30年代晚期至50年代中期,这个年代是中国历史上的动荡时期,叶问正是在此期间搬到了香港。

    The film covers the period from the late 1930s to the mid-1950s , a turbulent period in China 's history and during which time Ip Man moved to Hong Kong .

  29. 《一代宗师》以叶问对世界的认知为叙事框架,画外音则解释了叶问的背景,以及他对生活和周围人的观察。

    In The Grandmaster , the narrative is framed by Ip 's perception of the world , outlined in voiceovers explaining his background and his observations of life and the people around him .

  30. 《一代宗师》张震的镜头加起来不过3分钟,但他刻苦练武也终有回报,在全国八极拳比赛中夺得冠军。

    Chang was only in the movie for a total of three minutes , but his practice of the traditional martial arts style won him the top prize in the national Baijiquan contest .