
  1. 我认为,我们已经把敌人这一师打垮了。

    I think we have broken the back of the enemy division .

  2. 张栻书院教育思想对湖南一师早期师范教育的影响

    Influence of Zhang Shi 's College Education Thoughts on Hunan First Normal College

  3. 他们同出一师,所以有许多共同之处。

    They have the same teacher , so they have many things in common .

  4. 五乡为一师,所以万人为一军。

    Five towns made up an army , so ten thousand men composed one army .

  5. 湖南一师学生体质健康测试结果分析及探讨

    A Testing Results Analysis to Hunan First Normal College Students ' body Qualities and Health and a Probe into Some Relative Problems

  6. 湖湘文化的代表人物,在近代湖南形成了湘军、戊戌、辛亥、一师等多个人才群体。

    The representatives of Hunan culture have formed many talented groups in modern times , such as the talented group of Xijun , Wuxu , Xinghai , Yishi .

  7. 王先谦系中国近代著名学者、作家、教育家,亦是湖南一师第一任校长及其前身城南书院最后一任山长。

    Wang Xian-qian was a famous scholar , writer , educator , and the first master of Hunan First Normal School as well as a head of South-city Academy .

  8. 第二十三支部队的一千八百人,可以伪装成一师师的军队,这样,战斗部队转移阵地或进击,德军都不会知道,还以为对方还在原地。

    To enable a combat unit to change positions or to attack while the Germans thought it had not moved at all , the1800 men of the23rd impersonated entire divisions .

  9. 他们将一个师整编成为一个团。

    They reformed a division into a regiment .

  10. 专门训练用以打游击战的美国陆军的一个师。

    A division of the United States Army that is specially trained for guerrilla fighting .

  11. 一个师有教导队,训练班长和排干部。

    Each division should have a training corps for training squad leaders and platoon officers .

  12. 在上次战斗中因表现勇敢获得荣誉的一个师,将在今日下午的典礼上列队行进接受检阅。

    A division of soldiers who won honour for their bravery in the last war will march past during this afternoon 's ceremony .

  13. 不能说每一个师的部队都是肿的,但整个军队确实有点肿。

    We can 't say that every division is bloated , but it is definitely true to some extent of the army as a whole .

  14. 我们已经得到消息,昨晚有超过一个师的盟军在诺曼第地区空降,而这只是今晨在奥马哈大规模登陆的辅助攻击而已。

    Received news that there has been more than a whole air-born division of Allied troops parachuting in Normandy and that was still only the assitant attack to the major landing in omaha .

  15. 符号研究课程本体注重把握符号自身的形式,脱离生活,脱离实际,忽视学生学习的自主性,是一种师本教育。

    With emphasis upon the forms of symbols , the semiological study of curriculum noumenon is a kind of teacher based education separated from life and reality and neglecting student 's self autonomy .

  16. 建议我国企业应尽快设立总管理会计师制度,逐步取代总经济师制度,以进一步改革企业目前仍在实行的一长三师制。

    It is suggested in this article that the system of chief management accountant be build to replace the system of chief economic master step by step and make further reform on the prevailing ' one manager and three chiefs ' in enterprises .

  17. 这一仗第一师全军覆没。

    The first division was practically wiped out in the battle .

  18. 隔着两个座位那边的是安德鲁·马佐利尼,他是当地的一位摄像师,正在酒吧吃午饭。

    Just two seats over , Andrew Mazoleny , a local videographer , is finishing his lunch at the bar .

  19. 这时,一个机械师来了。

    Then in comes a mechanic .

  20. 无论你是一个构架师、开发人员还是项目工程师,你将重新衡量IBMRational最新的革新所到来的价值,以及它在任何一个工程中的优化作用。

    Whether you 're an architect , developer , or project manager , you 'll discover how to leverage IBM Rational 's latest innovations to optimize any project .

  21. NelsonLiu是洛杉矶的一位针灸师,他经常能在自己的病人中见到类似的问题。

    Nelson Liu , a certified acupuncturist in Los Angeles , sees many of these disorders in his patients .

  22. 莱恩•西克雷斯特制作公司(RyanSeacrestProductions)将会有一位摄像师随莱恩•西克雷斯特一起为NBCSports报道今年夏天的奥运会。

    A videographer from Ryan Seacrest Productions will follow Mr. Seacrest as he covers the Olympics this summer for NBC Sports .

  23. 冯永明先生还拥有PMP认证、投资建设项目管理师、一级建造师职业资格。

    He passed PMP certification , the Investment Manager certification for Construction Project and Constructor certification .

  24. 假设您是一名制图师或地理信息系统(GIS)专业人士,或是一名资深的爱好者,想要将不同来源的数据集中在一起。

    Suppose you 're a cartographer or geographic information system ( GIS ) professional , working on behalf of one , or an advanced hobbyist and want to bring in multiple datasets from a variety of sources .

  25. 王薇薇:在红毯装上我更像是一个造型师——就和伊迪丝•海德(EdithHead)一样——衣服必须反映明星的气质。

    Vera Wang : In red carpet I am more of a wardrober ─ like Edith Head ─ a wardrobe designer , where it has to be reflective of the star .

  26. 肖娜来自英国的埃塞克斯,是一位化妆师,也是视频分享网站YouTube上的红人。她耗时一个半小时将自己打扮成灰姑娘、白雪公主等经典公主形象,但在其中都添加了个恐怖元素。

    Makeup artist and YouTube star Shonagh Scott from Essex spent 90 minutes transforming herself into the classic princesses - such as Cinderella and Snow White - but with a macabre twist 。

  27. 这是佛罗里达州奥兰多市DolceVita沙龙的一位发型师的杰作,帕森斯第一次到访那里已经是几年前的事情了。

    It 's the work of a stylist at the Dolce Vita Salon in Orlando , Fla. , which Mr. Parsons first visited several years ago . '

  28. 至少有一位造型师谴责了这种新标准,那就是安妮塔·帕特里克森(AnitaPatrickson)。她曾担任模特夏奈尔·伊曼(ChanelIman)和女演员朱莉安娜·霍夫(JulianneHough)的造型师。

    At least one stylist , Anita Patrickson , who has worked with the model Chanel Iman and the actress Julianne Hough , decried this new standard .

  29. 王薇薇:在红毯装上我更像是一个造型师就和伊迪丝•海德(EdithHead)一样衣服必须反映明星的气质。要看他们的长相,他们的个性、体型以及当晚他们想表现什么。

    Vera Wang : In red carpet I am more of a wardrober ─ like Edith Head ─ a wardrobe designer , where it has to be reflective of the star . Their look , their personality , their body type and what they 're trying to express that night .

  30. 不象其它教士,他也是一个巫术师。

    Not like other priest , we is also a wizard .