
yī cì xìnɡ niào bù
  • disposable diaper
  1. 一次性尿布很容易穿上。

    Disposable nappies are fairly straightforward to put on

  2. 如果可能大多数父母都愿意用一次性尿布。

    Most parents prefer to use disposable nappies if they can .

  3. 愈来愈多的父母现在都给婴儿用一次性尿布。

    More parents now use disposable nappies for their babies .

  4. 该公司出口生产一次性尿布的材料。

    Providencia exports materials used in disposable diapers .

  5. 因此,使用一次性尿布就意味着可以减少水桶在家里的使用频率。

    The introduction of disposable nappies has meant a reduction in the use of buckets in the home .

  6. 尿布&妈妈们不放弃会垃圾场里堆成山的一次性尿布,转而购买布制的尿布。

    Nappies – Some mothers feel under pressure to buy cloth nappies for their babies rather than contribute to landfill sites with the disposable kind .

  7. 那些原本为中国设计的轻质廉价的尿布(这里的一次性尿布市场近年才开始建立),被推介给英美零售商,目标客户是那些有环保意识的父母。

    Lightweight and cheap nappies that were originally designed for China , where a market for disposable diapers did not exist until only recently , have been introduced to UK and US retailers targeting parents with environmental concerns .

  8. 因为伙计们,那些吃政府救济的人可买不起一次性婴儿尿布。

    Cuz man , these goddam food stamps don 't buy diapers .