
  • 网络teahouse;Tea House
  1. (几个小时后,汤姆、丽莎和贾斯汀坐在一家茶馆内。)

    A few hours later , Tom , Lisa and Justin are at a teahouse .

  2. 过去我们平时晚上下班之后在一家茶馆相聚几个小时。

    In the past we have always met in a tea shop for a few hours in the evening after work .

  3. 口干舌燥,又想稍事休息,他们走进了一家茶馆,坐在靠窗的一张小桌旁。

    Thirsty and eager to get a little rest , they went into a tea-house and seated themselves at a little table by the window .

  4. 我们走进一家茶馆,屋里蛛网密布,泥地上有粪污,墙角垛着一袋袋粮食,说明这店主有不少余粮过年。

    It was festooned with cobwebs , the dirt floor was sprinkled with manure and the corners of the room were filled with bags of grain , denoting a New Year surplus for the shop owner .

  5. 去年年底,一家HelloKitty主题茶馆在京都开张,它有风格类似的点心菜单和抹茶拿铁。

    And late last year a Hello Kitty teahouse made its debut in Kyoto with a similarly styled dim sim menu and matcha green tea lattes .

  6. 弗吉尼亚州哈里斯堡的一个酒吧给一个特定阵营的精灵宝可梦Go玩家打九折,旧金山日本城的一家茶馆推出了面向精灵宝可梦Go玩家的“买一赠一”活动。

    A bar in Harrisburg , Virginia , was offering a 10 percent discount to " Pok é mon Go " players on a specific team , while a tea shop in Japantown in San Francisco offered a " buy one tea , get one free " deal to Pok é mon Go players .