
  • 网络Nanophotonics;nano-photonics
  1. 在介绍纳米光子学领域出现的一些新器件与新技术的基础上,综述报道了纳米光子学在近场光化学气相制备、与量子计算的联系等方面取得的一些新进展。

    Some new devices and techniques of the field of nanophotonics are reviewed , and the progresses in quantum computation and near-field optical chemical-vapor preparation are introduced .

  2. 贵重金属在纳米光子学中开始起着越来越重要的作用,特别是通过利用贵重金属的表面等离子体效应或者人工电磁介质结构。

    Noble metals start to play a key role in the field of nanophotonics , in particular , by utilizing their plasmonic effects and metamaterial structures .

  3. 目前,表面等离子体是纳米光子学的一个非常重要的研究方向,它的原理、新颖效应和其机制的探究都深深地吸引着科学家们。

    At present , the surface plasmon is a very important research direction in nano-photonics , and its principles , new effects and the research of its mechanism have fascinated scientists .

  4. 微纳光纤是纳米光子学中的一个重要研究领域,它以其卓越的性能成为未来光器件微型化集成化的一种可供选择的基本单元。

    As an important research topic of Nano-photonics , microfiber will become an alternative fundamental building block of future miniaturized and integrated photonic devices or circuits thanks to its excellent performance .

  5. 聚合物光子学的进一步发展,要求开发新的聚合物光子学器件,尤其是微纳米尺度的三维光子学器件。

    The development of polymeric photonics requires new polymer devices , especially three-dimensional devices with micro / nanoscale .

  6. 光与纳米金属复合结构相互作用产生的新现象和实现的新功能,在微纳传感探测、纳米光子器件及其集成等纳米光子学领域具有良好的应用前景。

    The interactions of the light and metal composite nanostructures generate new phenomena and realize new function , which has potential applications in the nano-optics field .