
cháng piān xiǎo shuō
  • novel;full-length novel
长篇小说 [cháng piān xiǎo shuō]
  • [full-length novel] 小说的一种。指结构复杂、人物众多、篇幅较长、反映的生活面宽广的小说作品

长篇小说[cháng piān xiǎo shuō]
  1. 这部长篇小说是根据他的印度之行写成的。

    The novel is based on his travels in India .

  2. 他终于读完了那部长篇小说。

    He waded through that long novel at last .

  3. 她的长篇小说中有三部已改编成电视节目。

    Three of her novels have been adapted for television .

  4. 长篇小说和短篇小说是不同的类别。

    Novel and short story are different genres .

  5. 而这一步,对于理解《夜色温柔》这部小说,以及研究F·司格特·菲茨杰拉德在二十世纪二十年代后期及三十年代的长篇小说创作理念和风格都具有重要的意义。

    And that step is important to the research of both F. Scott Fitzgerald 's literature ideas and his style from late 1920s to 1930s .

  6. 《喜福会》(TheJoyLuckClub)是美国著名华裔女作家谭恩美的第一部长篇小说,也是她的成名作,一经出版即大获成功。

    The Joy Luck Club is the first novel of the famous Chinese-American woman writer Amy Tan , and also her signature work . It made a great success once published .

  7. MomentinPeking是林先生旅居国外时用英语创作的长篇小说,该书不仅以全景的方式全面地描述了现代中国社会的风起云涌,更是渗透着浓厚的儒道文化思想。

    Moment in Peking is a great English novel written by Lin when he stayed aboard . It puts the changing of the modern Chinese society in a panoramic way on one hand , and on the other hand takes a deep penetration into the Taoist and Confucian culture .

  8. 安吉拉·卡特(AngelaCarter,1940-1992),二十世纪英国最具独创性和知名度的作家之一,一生创作了九部长篇小说、大量短篇小说并翻译、编辑童话和民间传说。

    Angela Carter ( 1940-1992 ), one of the most original and well-known writers of the twentieth century from Britain , created nine novels , a large number of short stories and translated or edited fairy tales and folklores throughout her entire life .

  9. 时间与叙事&解读托妮·莫里森的长篇小说《宠儿》

    Time and Narration Comment on Toni Morrison s Novel Beloved ;

  10. 对库尔特·冯内古特长篇小说中基尔戈·特劳特的人物分析

    A Character Analysis of Kilgore Trout in Kurt Vonnegut 's Novels

  11. 作家的两部长篇小说艺术风格为何截然不同?

    Why are the two novels so different in artistic style ?

  12. 绚丽斑斓的历史长卷&20世纪侗族作家长篇小说评述

    Comment on Novels Written by Dong Authors in the 20th Century

  13. 贺享雍的长篇小说《土地神》就是从农民身处的精神境况出发。

    He Xiangyong 's Novel Gnome starts with the farmers'spiritual states .

  14. 他一生总共写了六部长篇小说。

    In his long life , Forster wrote only six novels .

  15. 在这本情节跌宕起伏的长篇小说中,克拉克夫人的行文风格有点慢条斯理。

    Ms Clark takes her time with this long , undulating novel .

  16. 在肖邦的作家生涯中,她创作了两部长篇小说和三部短篇小说集。

    She has written two novels and three collections of short stories .

  17. 《断头台》是一部结构新颖独特的长篇小说。

    Guillotine is a long novel , distinctive and original in structure .

  18. 个体的缺席与文学的真实&17年长篇小说研究

    The Absence of Individualism and the Truth of Literature Studies on Literature

  19. 史诗意识与20世纪中国长篇小说

    The Consciousness of the Epic and Chinese Novel in the 20th Century

  20. 这是一部由几个故事交织而成的长篇小说。

    It 's a long novel with several interwoven stories .

  21. 自我认同问题是马克斯·弗里施成名长篇小说《施蒂勒》最重要的主题。

    Self-identification is the most important theme of Max Frisch 's Stiller .

  22. 一部俄罗斯式的新长篇小说&试论《罪与罚》

    A New Novel of Russian Style - On Crime and Punishment ;

  23. 我看过她写的三部长篇小说、数的诗和短篇小说。

    I have read her three novels and countless poems and stories .

  24. 这位作家的首部长篇小说很快就获得了巨大的成功。

    The writer 's deBut novel was an instant Success .

  25. 略论长篇小说的历史感

    A Study on the Sense of History in a Novel

  26. 《西游记》是一部著名的神话长篇小说。

    Journey to the West is a renowned mythical novel .

  27. 对20世纪中国长篇小说文体形式演变规律的考察就从这里开始。

    We will begin with our investigation right from here .

  28. 《城堡》是卡夫卡一生中创作的为数不多的一部长篇小说之一。

    The Castle is one of his few novels in his works .

  29. 世俗体验与恐惧逃离&十七年革命历史长篇小说中的狂欢化图景分析

    WORLDLY EXPERIENCE AND HORROR ESCAPE Analysis of Carnival Views in Revolutionary History Novels

  30. 《侍女的故事》是她的第六部长篇小说。

    The Handmaid 's Tale is her sixth novel .