
  • 网络Changhai County
  1. 长海县近亲结婚初步调查

    Preliminary report of close relative marriage in Changhai County

  2. 除2006年长海县处于生态亏损,其他年份都能处于生态盈余。

    Except in 2006 , Changhai county has ecological surplus in other years .

  3. 目前,长海县对船舶的监控一般是利用雷达VHF语音系统来进行,没有办法做到实时、快速。

    Currently , monitoring vessel is generally performed by radar or VHF voice systems in the county of Changhai , which can not satisfy the demand of real-time and rapid surveillance .

  4. 基于生态足迹的生态盈亏平衡分析&以辽宁省长海县为例

    Analysis on the Ecological Balance of Profits and Losses Based on Ecological Footprint

  5. 长海县反渗透海水淡化工程

    Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Project in Changhai County

  6. 由长山群岛组成的长海县,是我国北方重要的海岛县之一。

    Changhai county , which is made up of Changshan archipelago , is one of the important costal counties in north China .

  7. 以长海县为例,通过对其产业结构及其特征的分析,结果表明:长海县渔业生产不够稳定,朝阳产业缺乏竞争力;

    This paper , based on a case study on Changhai county , analyzes its industrial structure and features , indicates an unstable fishing production and lack of competitiveness .