
  • 网络duan yu;Broken Jade
  1. 钟灵大叫阻止,段誉只是不听。

    Zhong Ling cried loudly to stop him , but he kept walking .

  2. 段誉点点头,和钟灵随他而行。三人片刻间转过山坳,只见一大堆乱石之中团团坐着二十余人。

    Soon they had rounded the hill , and saw some twenty guys sitting on a mass of rocks .

  3. 段誉再次落下,双臂伸出,牢牢抱住了古松的另一根树枝,登时挂在半空,不住摇晃。

    And when dropped again , he reached out both hands , firmly folded a branch of the pine , his waving body hung in the air .