
  1. 段玉裁的方言调查伴随着他的游宦生活;

    Duan Yucai 's dialect research accompanied with the life of his travelling .

  2. 第三章,重点探讨和揭示了段玉裁对右文说的扬弃。

    Chapter III , with a focus to explore and reveal the Duan of " the right theory " sublation .

  3. 正是这些哲学思想潜在地指导着段玉裁《说文解字注》的伟大实践。

    It is just these philosophic thoughts that direct the great practice of Duan yucai 's annotation on Shuowen Jiezi potentially .

  4. 吴棫、陈第、江永、段玉裁与顾炎武古音研究比较

    The Comparisons of Gu Yan-wu ' Studies on Ancient Chinese Sound with Wu Yu , Chen Di , Jiang Yong , Duan Yu-cai 's

  5. 段玉裁的《说文解字注》在建立汉语同义系统方面取得了巨大成就,为今天的同义词研究留下了可贵的经验。

    Duan Yuzai has made great achievements in the synonym system construction and has left a great legacy for today ′ s synonym research .

  6. 清代《说文》学“四大家”中成就最高、影响最大的是段玉裁。

    Of the four most famous schools of Shuo Wen in the Qing Dynasty , the greatest achievements and influence is Duan Yu Cai .

  7. 历来研究联绵词的学者一般都提到清代的王念孙、段玉裁,很少有人提到之前的黄生。

    When we study the lian-mian words , scholars always mention Wang Nian-sun and Duan Yu-cai , and almost no one refers to Huang Sheng before them .

  8. 据笔者统计,段玉裁《說文解字注》言及形义存废之术语出现次數三百馀条。

    Based on the writer 's statistics , the phrase of one word 's existence and abolition appears in the " Shor-Wen-Jei-Zi-Ru " about three hundred times .