
Duàn qí ruì
  • Duan Qirui;1920s Beiyang military leader and head of Anhui clique
  1. 一九一八年由段祺瑞的御用国会选为总统。

    He was elected president in1918by the parliament controlled by Tuan chi-jui .

  2. 对群众闹事,只有段祺瑞怕,蒋介石怕。

    Only Tuan Chi-jui and Chiang Kai-shek were afraid of disturbances by the masses .

  3. 以段祺瑞为首的皖系入主北京政府后,北洋派控制下的中央政权明显衰落。

    After Duan Qirui and Wan clique took the power , the central government run by the Bei Yang declined obviously .

  4. 画中的段祺瑞身穿抢眼而庄严的军服,与一众军事领袖并排而坐,列席在白露柳树的田园背景之前。

    Duan is seated beside other military leaders and cabinet members in extravagant formal attire and before a somewhat bucolic backdrop of weeping willow trees .

  5. 可是,当段祺瑞强力推行专制主义中央集权和穷兵黩武的武力统一政策时,联邦主义又开始抬头。

    Later Duan Qirui imposed on people his policy of the centralization of state power and uniting the country by means of force , federalism campaign restored again .