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  1. 塔河油田盐膏层井段随钻扩孔技术

    Reaming While Drilling Technology for Salt-Gypsum Intervals in Tahe Oilfield

  2. 成功老龄认知功能在不同年龄段随增龄有下降趋势,但总体认知功能水平仍可较好保留。

    Age-associated losses in cognitive abilities are in different ages of successful aging , but the level of cognitive function maintains better .

  3. 结果表明:旋流器锥段随锥角的增大,溢流产率与溢流灰分提高,分选密度增大;

    The results show that the increase of the taper angle causes an increase in the yield and ash content of overflow and the separation density .

  4. 使用低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)进行实例计算,得出熔融速率随振动频率和振幅的增加而增加,熔膜厚度和熔融段长度随振动频率和振幅的增加而减少。

    Low-density polyethylene ( LDPE ) was used in the calculation , and some conclusions were obtained . Melting rate increased , while thickness of melt film and melting length decreased with the increase of vibration frequency and amplitude .

  5. 该电台用调频方式,亚音频选呼,工作在400kHz频率段,随电力线延伸方向传输无线电信号,不受地形障碍物等的限制,可沿电力线周围实现无线移动通话。

    It works in the frequency modulation mode at 400 kHz with subsonic call , and transfers radio signal along with the power line , with no restriction of the topography . So the mobile communication can be realized along the power line .

  6. 进口段长度随液流雷诺数的增大而增大,随截面含气率的增加而增大;

    The developing length increases , with the liquid Reynolds number and the void fraction .

  7. 该模型根据上部已钻井段的随钻监测结果,对钻头下部未钻开地层的孔隙压力进行随钻预测。

    In light of the results of monitor while drilling of the upper drilled intervals , the pore pressure prediction while drilling for undrilled formation beneath the bit was carried out by use of the model .

  8. 结果:正常组心肌节段的SR随多巴酚丁胺剂量的增加而增加(p<0.05),峰值负荷时SR达最大;

    Results : In normal group , the systolic peak SR values increased while dobutamine dose rise ( P < 0.05 ) , reaching the highest values at the peak dose of dobutamine .

  9. KT与NAA浓度不变的条件下,茎段外植体随6-BA的浓度增加,愈化率、保绿率及芽伸长率降低。

    In the same concentration of KT and NAA , the maintaining green rate , the shoot elongation rate and the callus rate were lowered with the increase of 6-BA concentration .

  10. 用POM颗粒研究了颗粒粒径对重力热管传热系数的影响,发现蒸发段传热系数随粒径的增大会先减小后增大,而冷凝段传热系数的变化则相反。

    As the particle diameter increases , the heat transfer coefficientof the evaporation section first decreases and then increases , but the change of heattransfer coefficient in condensation section goes the opposite .

  11. 以40rpm,5min制备的大鼠中度创伤模型可以引起心肌细胞凋亡,而且凋亡的心肌细胞在创伤后一段时间内随时间延长而增多。

    The moderate traumatic rat model established by Noble-Collip drum ( 40 rpm , 5 min ) could induce myocardial apoptosis , and myocardial cells apoptosis increased with time within a period of time after trauma .

  12. 当振动强度达到某一极限值后,熔融速率、熔膜厚度和熔融段长度不再随振动参数的变化而变化。

    However after vibration intensity reached a limit value , melting rate , thickness of melt film and melting length would remain unchanged .

  13. 强化对流换热的效果主要在融化段,并随流体中相变微胶囊浓度的增大而增强,也随R-eynolds数的增大而增强。

    The enhancement of heat transfer occurs mainly in the melting region and increases with the increase of the particle fraction in the fluid and with the increase of Reynolds number .

  14. 结果表明,中厚软岩板中面位置在相当长的时间段内是随时间变化的,它受岩体的刚度、粘滞特性等因素的影响。

    The results show that the location of neutral surface of mid-thick soft rock plate will change with time in a long period and is affected by the stiffness and viscometric parameter of rock mass .

  15. 两段热解煤气产率随一段热解温度升高而增大。850℃时每吨泥炭产煤气约290m3,煤气热值为3400kcal/Nm3,其半焦的吸附活性较高。

    The gas yield of pyrolysis of Fushun peat on end temperature 850 ℃ is about 290NM3 / T , its heat value is more than 3400kcal / NM3 and the adsorbability of char is higher .

  16. 螺栓螺纹段的变形机制随轴向位置的不同而变化,且与中径过盈量有关;

    The deformation mechanism of the threaded segment is changeable with the axial position and dependent on the radial interference sizes ;

  17. 所以对于舌癌术后患者,在这段时间内应定期随诊,严密观察。

    So for the tongue cancer postoperative patients , in this period oftime within the regular follow-up , close observation . 3 .

  18. 颅神经损伤并不少见,可发生于放疗后的任一时间段,且不随生存时间的延长而趋于停止。

    Cranial nerve injuries are not rare , and it may occur anytime after radiation , but it dose not stop as the patients survive along .

  19. 试验发现,尽管输送气体表观速度呈下降趋势,而水平管稳定段的单位压降随固气比增大而增加。

    It is found that the unit pressure drops in the stabilized conveying section of a horizontal pipe increase despite apparent velocity of the conveying air is decreased .

  20. 结果表明:嵌岩段极限侧阻力随单桩轴力增大而增大;嵌岩段极限侧阻力与岩体质量等级有关;

    The results show that ultimate resistance of rock-socket pile increase with axial load and it 's related to quality of rock mass as well as to relative stiffness of rock-socket pile .

  21. 当波垂直传播时,地表位移放大出现在隆起顶部,频率随隆起区变软,明显向低频移动,可出现在很低频段内,且随隆起区变软放大更为显著;

    For the vertical incidence of the waves , the obvious amplification of the surface displacements appears on the top of the hill in the quite low frequency range as the rigidity of hilly region decreases ;

  22. 然而实际生活中的很多问题,如交通导航,其网络弧段的权值是随时间变化的,而静态最短路径算法无法解决这类问题。

    But in real life there are many problems such as traffic areas , the weights of the network arcs change over time , while the static shortest path algorithm can not meet the requirements of these problems .

  23. 本文从基岩地震反应谱衰减规律出发,研究了基岩反应谱随震级、距离的变化特征,包括基岩反应谱的第二特征周期、反应谱下降段的斜率等随震级、距离的变化规律。

    In this paper , according to the attenuation law of rock response spectrum , its change characteristics with earthquake magnitude and epicentral distance is discussed , which includes the second characteristic period , the slope of the descending segments .

  24. 在双增型井身剖面设计施工中,针对水平井靶点不确定及实钻轨迹偏离设计而影响钻点准确进入靶区问题,提出在稳斜段用几何法随钻修正原设计轨道的方法。

    A geometric method is proposed , by which the path of a horizontal well is corrected while drilling , for solving the problems of missing the target area in designing and / or deviating from planned trajectory in drilling at the steady inclined section .

  25. 实验发现,星形喷嘴射流与普通圆射流相比,其射流初始段较短,但基本段内速度随喷距衰减的速率较低。

    It is found that the star_shaped nozzle jet has a shorter initial section and slower velocity attenuation along the jet centerline in the main region than the round nozzle jet .

  26. 北段随海拔升高多样性指数递增,中北段多样性指数缺乏规律性,中南段和南段随海拔升高多样性指数递减。

    Along with the altitude increasing , the species diversity index increases at north section , without regularity at north middle section , and decreases at middle south and south sections .