
duàn dì zhǐ
  • Segment Address;sector address
段地址[duàn dì zhǐ]
  1. FPGA映射到DSP中EMIF的一段地址空间,两者之间通过EMIF接口进行交互。

    FPGA is mapped into a section of DSP memory space and they communicate each other only by EMIF .

  2. 远程攻击者可以利用在相同网络段地址内多个路由器中的漏洞导致设备重置。

    A remote attacker may exploit this condition in multiple routers that reside on the same network segment as the attacker , to trigger a device reset .

  3. 为解决IP组播地址问题以及现有应用级组播协议中地址方案的不足,本文提出了一个新的三段式地址方案。

    To solve the problems of IP multicast address and the deficiency of existing application level multicast protocols ' address scheme , we proposed a new address scheme .

  4. 论述了在单片机C语言编程中如何指定变量或特定数据、代码段的绝对地址,同时详细介绍了在定位过程中需要注意的问题。

    This Paper describes how to specify the absolute addresses of given variables , data segments or code segments in the process of embedded system programming with C language , as well as the points which should be noted in the process of location .

  5. 这个描述符指明了包含中断或异常处理函数的段的基地址。

    This descriptor specifies the base address of the segment that includes the interrupt or exception handler .

  6. IP协议本身无法验证源地址段中的IP地址是发送者的IP地址。

    IP protocol cannot confirm that the source address is the sender 's address .

  7. 但是当前IPv6并未普及,因此在一段时间内IP地址枯竭的问题还将存在。

    As the IPv6 network architecture has not been popularized , the shortage of ip addresses will exist for some time .

  8. 在IPv6(InternetProtocolvision6)的地址结构中定义了一段新的IP地址,将这些IP地址作为每个传感器的标识I地址。

    A new range of IP addresses was defined as signs of sensors in the address architecture of Internet Protocol vision 6 ( IPv6 ) . The Care-of address configuration protocol was presented .

  9. 在Solaris中,实例共享内存可能非常大,因为共享内存段没有固定的地址。

    On Solaris , the instance shared memory can be potentially very large because there are no fixed addresses for shared memory segments .