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  1. 肺叶肺段实变、肺不张合并胸水60例;

    60 parenchymatous degeneration of pulmonary segments in lobes of lung , atelectasis with hydrothorax ;

  2. 大片肺实变表现为一侧或双侧2~4片沿支气管树分布的肺段实变;

    The big range of consolidation manifested as the bilateral or unilateral pulmonary segment consolidation that distributing along the bronchi tree .

  3. 结果6例中双肺多叶、多段实变灶5例,无明显肺叶、肺段或特定体位分布趋势;

    Results In 5 of the 6 cases , multi-lobar or multi-segmental consolidations of bilateral lungs were detected . There was no distribution tendency for any specific pulmonary lobes or segments .

  4. 结果支原体肺炎124例,临床表现主要有发热(46.3%),咳嗽(100%),肺部体征少,胸片表现多种多样,包括:肺门阴影增大,间质浸润,支气管肺炎及叶/段实变。

    Results The clinical features were mainly characterized by fever ( 46.3 % ) and cough ( 100 % ) . The physical signs of lungs were less . X-ray radiograph had diversified show , including hilus enlargement , interstitial pneumonia , bronchopneumonia and lobar or segmental consolidation .

  5. 结果创伤性湿肺多出现于伤侧或双侧中下肺野,表现为间质型18例,节段实变型9例,弥漫实变型7例,云雾型9例。

    Results Traumatic moist lung mostly occurred in bilateral pulmonary middle-inferior field of traumatic side or opposite side , of them , interstitial pattern was found in 18 cases , segmentary consolidation pattern in 9 cases , diffuse consolidation pattern in 7 cases , and cloud pattern in 9 cases .

  6. X线支气管肺炎改变52例(88.14%),节段性实变影7例(11.86%)。

    Bronchopneumonia change in X ray was 52 cases ( 88.14 % ), segmented consolidation shadow was 7 cases ( 11.86 % ) .

  7. ③结果X线表现为按叶、段分布的肺实变。

    Results X ray films showed lobar pneumonic infiltrative shadow .

  8. 结果12例肺真菌病影像表现为肺段或叶的实变6例,厚壁空洞2例,结节或肿块2例,霉菌球2例。

    Results 12 cases of pulmonary mycosis showed consolidation in the segment or lobe of the lung ( 6 cases ), cavity with thick wall ( 2 cases ), nodule or mass ( 2 cases ), and fungal ball ( 2 cases ) .