
duàn biǎo
  • segment table
段表[duàn biǎo]
  1. 现在处于的是正确的(物理)段表内,从这里还可以在需要的时候将其他的字段拉入TargetField。

    Now you are in the correct ( physical ) segment table from which you can pull in other fields into the Target Field as necessary .

  2. 如果在生成Initiate术语表的同时选择创建资产分配,那么MappingPerspective内的每个业务术语都具有一个针对实际物理段表字段的分配资产。

    Each business term in the Mapping Perspective has an assigned asset to the actual physical segment table field , if you had chosen to create asset assignments when generating the Initiate glossary .

  3. 方法通过RT-PCR扩增CVS-24株糖蛋白两段表位富集区基因,并将其克隆至载体pET-28a(+),构建重组表达质粒pET-G1和pET-G2,转化大肠杆菌Rosetta,IPTG诱导表达。

    The constructed recombinant plasmids pET-G1 and pET-G2 were transformed to E. coli Rosetta for expression under induction of IPTG .

  4. 现在,属性术语已经对其段表定义了一个资产分配。

    Now , the attribute terms already define an asset assignment to their segment table .

  5. 该算法通过切分、段表聚类、搜边等步骤将输入的时间序列集转化为系统演化图。

    Major steps of this algorithm are timeline segmentation , TS segment clustering , and edge building .

  6. 对于源到目标的映射用例,需要能够直接从成员类型属性钻到属于此段表的那些数据字段。

    For the source-to-target mapping use case , you need to be able to drill directly from a member type attribute to the data fields belonging to the segment table .

  7. 利用EXCEL实现对标准铂电阻温度计正温段分度表的计算

    Applications using EXCEL in calculating the reference tables of standard platinum resistance thermometer from to the freezing point of zinc

  8. FLASHBACKTABLE语句从undo段读取表的过去的映像,并使用flashback查询重新构造该表的行。

    FLASHBACK TABLE statement reads the past images of the table from the undo segments and reconstructs the table rows using the flashback queries .

  9. 英语超音段音位表义功能浅谈

    Semantic Functions of English Suprasegmental Phonemes

  10. 结果:建立了tunc-pZP3β的模拟三维结构,显示出两段目的抗原表位氨基酸序列位于蛋白表面。

    Results : The tunc-pZP3 β modeling structure was constituted , and the known antigenic sequence was on the surface .

  11. 发射段采用高度表阻尼的捷联惯性导航:巡航段采用卫星定位系统提供位置信息和天文导航系统提供航向信息辅助的捷联惯性组合导航方案;

    The strap down inertial navigation system ( SINS ), damped by altimeter , is adopted in launch stage .

  12. 方法采用自制的利克特6段调查量表,对武汉地区4所高校的大学生进行问卷调查,并通过SPSSPC12.0对结果进行因素分析。

    Methods The self-edit checklist of Likert 6-point have used in questionnaire survey to four universities in Wuhan , then through the SPSS / PC 12.0 to analyzed the results .

  13. 一个应用(apply)程序则每隔一段时间读取staging表,并将更改移动到子描述目标上。

    An apply program reads the staging tables and moves the changes to the subscription target on a timed interval .

  14. 抗小鼠TLR-2胞外段B细胞识别表位抗体抑制肉瘤生长的初步研究

    Inhibition of fibrosarcoma growth in mice by antibody against B cell epitope on mouse Toll-like receptor-2 extracellular domain

  15. 目的观察抗小鼠TLR-2胞外段B细胞识别表位抗体对小鼠肉瘤S180生长的影响。

    Objective To observe the effect of the antibody to a B cell epitope on mouse Toll-like receptor-2 ( mTLR-2 ) extracellular domain on the growth of murine fibrosarcoma .

  16. 常规使用时,RUNSTATS提供了在一段时期内有关表和索引的数据,从而随着时间的流逝,可以确定数据模型的性能趋势。

    When used routinely , RUNSTATS provides data about tables and indexes over a period of time , thereby allowing performance trends to be identified for your data model as it evolves over time .

  17. 用它的所有回滚段重新创建回滚表空间。

    Recreate the rollback tablespace with all of its rollback segments .

  18. 他们监测安装在主要河流和湖泊中逐段放置的度量表。

    They monitor gauges installed at intervals along the main river and lakes .

  19. 每个段只能包含该表空间中定义的一个表中的行。

    Each segment contains rows from only one table defined in the table space .

  20. 未决的购买请求用了斜体,指出数据在别处定义(通常在用例的特殊需求段或在词汇表中定义)。

    Pending purchase requests is italicized to indicate that the data is defined elsewhere ( usually in the special requirements section of the use case or perhaps in a glossary ) .

  21. 并成功应用于组合式空调机组段体的设计,如粗效段、表冷器段的设计中。

    The method is also successfully applied to the design of parts from combined air-conditioner such as the filter module and the cooling module .