
  • 网络Logical Independence;Logical Data Independence
  1. 数据逻辑独立性是数据库管理系统的重要特征,是应用系统独立于数据实体的重要保证,对于应用系统的发展具有十分重要的意义。

    Data logical independence ( DLI ) is an important characteristic of the database management system ( DBMS ), DLI could guarantee that application systems are independent of data entities , which is significant for the development of the application system .

  2. 将基于元数据的控件集成接口应用到一个实际应用系统的开发过程中,验证了本方法在保证数据逻辑独立性,提高应用系统开发和维护效率方面的有效性。

    Verify that the method is effectual in ensuring DLI and improving the application efficiency of development and maintenance .

  3. 本文进行的研究工作具体包括:(1)对数据逻辑独立性现有解决方法进行深入研究,总结现有解决方案中存在的问题。

    The main works of this paper include : ( 1 ) Summarizes problems in the existing DLI solutions by doing some researches in depth .

  4. 正向工程是对一个系统物理结构实现的高层抽象性、逻辑性及独立性设计的传统处理过程。

    Forward engineering is a traditional process of moving high-level abstracts and logical , implementation-independent designs to the physical implementation of a system .

  5. 此外,从数据访问中分离业务逻辑可实现数据库独立性,并为各种类型的数据存储提供插件能力。

    In addition , separating business logic from data access enables database-independence and provides for plug-ability to various types of data stores .