
  • 网络randomized algorithm;Random Algorithm
  1. O(m~2)时间求解SAT问题的随机算法

    O ( m ~ 2 ) Time Randomized Algorithms for SAT Problem

  2. 随机算法重启策略的构造及其在TSP中的应用

    Designing Restart Strategy for Randomized Algorithms and Its Application in Solving the TSP

  3. 一种图K划分的随机算法

    A Stochastic Algorithm for Graph K - Partitioning

  4. RSA体制下使用随机算法防御时间攻击的方法

    Method to Resist Timing Attack on RSA Cryptosystem Using Random Algorithms

  5. 随机算法在组合优化问题中具有广泛的应用,LasVegas算法和MonteCarlo算法是主要的两类随机算法。

    Randomized algorithm is widely used in combinatorial optimization . Las Vegas algorithm and Monte Carlo algorithm are two important types of randomized algorithm .

  6. 为了解决超高频频段下的无源RFID标签批量识别时的多标签碰撞问题,在时隙随机算法的基础上,提出了一种新的方法。

    A new method based on the slotted random anti-collision algorithm was introduced to solve the collision problem in the multi-tag inventory in the standard of UHF RFID .

  7. 用随机算法PSO算法对该模型进行求解,结果表明该模型可以节省清洗设备的辅助生产时间,相应地增加了生产时间,有利于提高工厂的实际效益。

    The results show the assistant time is decreased hugely , that means the production time is increased and the benefit of the factory is raised .

  8. 通过EM算法拟合有限混合模型;我们也考虑到了混合模型的Balyes估计和利用其它的一些随机算法的估计;

    The actual fitting of finite mixtures through use of the EM algorithm and we also consider the Bayesian estimation of mixture models and others random algorithms ;

  9. 讨论了分组密码随机算法的优点和实现问题,并描述了随机算法在CAST和SAFER+中的若干实现,分别称为随机盒、随机网络和随机群。

    The advantages and implementations are discussed about random algorithms of block ciphers . Some implementations are described about random algorithms in block ciphers CAST and SAFER + , which are called random box , random network and random group respectively .

  10. 借用Nadler引理,我们构造了逼近问题解的随机算法。

    By Nadler lemma , we construct a new iterative random algorithm of the approximation solvability of this problem .

  11. 对KARP-RABIN串匹配随机算法的新改进

    Improvement of KARP-RABIN Randomized Strings-matching Algorithm

  12. 水滴清除气溶胶过程的随机算法和数值模拟

    Stochastic Algorithm and Numerical Simulation for Drop Scavenging of Aerosols

  13. 步幅常数型随机算法收敛性分析

    Studies on the Convergence of Stochastic Algorithm for the Constant Step Size

  14. 通过应用贪婪区间的技巧,提出了一个一般在线随机算法。

    By applying technique of greedy intervals a general on-line randomized algorithms is proposed .

  15. 抗震结构弹塑性变形能力可靠度时域随机算法

    Stochastic algorithm in time-domain for reliability analysis of elasto-plastic deformation capacity of anti-seismic structures

  16. 实验表明,性能良好的完全随机算法,易于被许多初学者所掌握。

    Experiments show that complete random scheme works for different types of base learners .

  17. 实验结果表明,随机算法的效果较好,能满足红外自动目标识别的实际需。

    The random algorithm can detect the contour and inner and outer information of thermal image .

  18. 或者,你可能需要开发一种新的随机算法解决你的问题。

    Alternatively , you may need to develop a new randomized algorithm to solve your problem .

  19. 但有时随机算法的优良性能并不要求用完全独立的随机变量作为它的输入。

    But sometimes the good performance of randomized algorithms does not require completely independent random variables as their input .

  20. 随机算法由于其简洁和高效的特点正在计算中占据越来越重要的位置。

    Randomized algorithms are playing a more and more important role in computation because of their simplicity and fastness .

  21. 将模拟退火算法,随机算法和遗传算法在测试数据生成稳定性和效率方面进行了比较。

    Compare the efficiency and stability in test data generation with simulated annealing algorithm , random algorithm and genetic algorithm .

  22. 最小化法是一种动态随机算法,用于在临床研究中进行病例随机分配。

    The minimization method is a dynamic randomized algorithm , and applied to make random case distribution in clinical research .

  23. 采用随机算法,增加算法的复杂度,降低穷举攻击的可能性。

    It makes use of the algorithm at random , increases the complexity of algorithm , decreases the possibility of guessing attack .

  24. 对于更多一般的非线性最优化问题,简单的随机算法会根据随机选择的向量为搜索方向;

    One can develop a randomized version of the simplex method by choosing incoming columns or entire bases according to some stochastic process .

  25. 针对整数规划全局优化问题所首次提出的模拟植物生长算法,是一种源于大自然的仿生类随机算法。

    Plant growth simulation algorithm aiming at the global optimization of integer programming is a kind of bionics random algorithm which occurs in nature .

  26. 而随机算法中的模拟退火、简单遗传算法等效率较低,并且不能保证算法的完备性。

    And in random algorithms , simulated anneal and simple genetic algorithm are not only inefficient , but also can not guarantee the completeness of the results .

  27. 目前为止,有很多技术支持测试输入的生成,其中包括基于随机算法的,遗传算法,谓词约束等等。

    At present , there are many techniques supporting generation of test input , among them are random-based algorithm , genetic algorithm , the predicate constraints and so on .

  28. 最后,在测试环境中对系统进行验证测试。本文提出了一个负载均衡解决方案和一种动态权值随机算法。

    Finally , test to the system in testing environment is achieved . A load balancing solution and a dynamic weighted random algorithm are put forward in this paper .

  29. 管理员对申报的时间和评审时间进行设置,对单位申报的项目通过随机算法把项目分配各个同一个领域的专家。

    Administrator go on and set up to time and evaluation time that declare , assign project each same expert of field to project that unit declare through random algorithm .

  30. 通过比较随机算法、回归算法、专家系统算法与遗传算法,选择使用多种约束条件下的随机组卷算法来实现自动组卷功能,该方法简单快速。

    By compared the random algorithm , regression algorithm , expert system algorithm and genetic algorithm , the random algorithm based on multiple constraint condition has been selected to implementation of automatic test paper generation under the control of paper strategy . The method is simple and rapid . 3 .