
suí xiǎnɡ
  • random thoughts;whimsy
随想 [suí xiǎng]
  • [capriccio] 随事而生的感想;杂感

  1. 感悟设计,体验生活&米兰设计展随想

    Design Perception and Life Experience & Random Thoughts about Milan Design Exhibition

  2. 妇女期刊创建品牌随想

    Random Thoughts on Creating First-Rate Women 's Periodicals

  3. 施特劳斯用了1941年的大部分时间为自己的最后一部歌剧《随想曲》编写总谱。

    Strauss spent much of 1941 scoring his last opera , Capriccio

  4. 入世随想&浅论加入WTO后思想政治工作的应对问题一种省际邮件转运网络设计的模型与算法

    Reflections On Entry into WTO An Inter-Province Post Transhipment Problem and Its Algorithm

  5. 沈阳至山海关高速公路附属房屋设计随想

    Design of Subsidiary Houses on teh Freeway from shenyang to Shanhaiguan

  6. 论浮雕壁画与建筑环境的同一性&福建闽剧艺术中心外墙浮雕壁画创作随想

    Harmonious relationship between the creation of relief fresco and architectural surroundings

  7. 困惑与思索&关于城市开敞空间设计的随想

    Think about the Design of the Urban Open Space in our Country

  8. 英汉对照中医药图书编辑随想

    On the Edition of English - Chinese Books of TCM

  9. 我思故我在&艺术笔记随想录

    I Exist Because I 'm Thinking & Art Notes Wandering

  10. 创造一个充满生机的精神家园:天津图书大厦设计随想

    To create a vigorous spirit home : design of Tianjin Books Building

  11. 立体化信息服务专业读者市场化经营盘活学术期刊&《现代图书情报技术》广告经营随想

    On the Advertising Management of New Technology of Library and Information Service

  12. 住宅设计随想高炉出铁场厂房设计探讨

    Discussions on the building design of blast furnace cast house

  13. 文化与翻译&读汪榕培《牡丹亭》英译本随想

    Culture and Translation & Reflections from Reading the Translated The Peony Pavilion

  14. 2005届毕业生自由创作随想

    Capriccio of Graduate Free Creation in the Class of 2005

  15. 中国城市规划理论的开发:一些随想

    Development of China 's Planning Theory : Some Initial Thoughts

  16. 建筑设计课程教学随想

    A Casual Review of Teaching in Architectural Design Course

  17. 论音乐中优美声音的创造&钢琴教学随想

    On the Creation of the Beautiful Sound in Music & Thoughts on Piano-Teaching

  18. 高校学风建设的反思与对策关于教育的随想

    Reflection and Countermeasures on the Construction of Academic Atmosphere in Higher Education Institutions

  19. 我国国有企业产权制度改革的思考关于教育的随想

    Reflection on Reform of Property Rights System in State-owned Enterprises of Our Country

  20. 关于民间传统文化研究的随想

    Some Notes on the Research about Folk Traditional Culture

  21. 为什么要研究审美问题&关于审美研究的随想

    Why Study the Aesthetics Problem & The Capriccio Concerning the Study of Aesthetics

  22. 关于南通&中国近代第一城的探索与随想

    Random Thoughts on " Nantong & the First City in Modern China "

  23. 嘉兴市第一医院迁建工程设计随想

    Thoughts on the Transfer Project of the No. 1 Hospital of Jiaxing City

  24. 如何转变发展水电观念&随黄毅诚同志视察四川电力随想

    How to Change the Concept of Hydropower Development

  25. 探讨狂想曲的风格与“随想”术语之关连性。

    Discusses Rhapsody the style and " a capriccio " correlation of the terminology .

  26. 环境、人、建筑美&深圳卷烟厂设计随想

    Environment , people and architectural beauty & review of design for Shenzhen cigaret plant

  27. 计算机产业的核心技术随想

    Random Thoughts on Core Technology in Computer Industry

  28. 模拟电子技术教学随想

    Technology of Analog Electronics Teaching along with Thinks

  29. 染织设计教学随想

    Thoughts on Dyeing and Weaving Design Teaching

  30. 巴金与现代人学&《随想录》新论

    Ba Jin and Modern Studies of Humans