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  1. 屈服带随出砂量的增加沿井径向外扩张。

    Yield front propagates away from the wellbore with the process of sand production .

  2. 实验验证了激光器输出光束质量随出光时间的延长而逐渐变坏。

    The correlative experiments show that laser output beam quality becomes worse when the laser works longer .

  3. 随切出指数增大,DHS内固定失败发生率增加。

    Risk of the mechanical failure increased with increase of cutting-out index .

  4. 数到三,每次数数的时候右手随喊出的数字摆动。

    Count to three , raising the hand holding the cigarette on each count .

  5. 油水相对渗透率曲线与水驱油藏含水率随采出程度变化的两种类型

    Two types of changes of the rate of water cut with recovery factor and the corresponding relative oil-water permeability curves for water-drive reservoirs

  6. 优秀的性能测试用例可以验证被测系统随表现出的性能质量。

    A test case ideal for performance testing has a prime aim of establishing the level of performance delivered by the present system .

  7. 但处理磁化溶液时,膜通量随滤出液的体积先下降后上升,然后才下降,且平均膜通量比普通溶液的高,表明磁化预处理可以改善纳滤膜的部分操作性能。

    The average flux in treating magnetic solution was higher than that of the general solution , which indicated that magnetic pretreatment could ameliorate parts of membrane performance .

  8. 另有皇帝亲信卫队3000人,是从境内各军中精选出来的强勇之士组成,皆为重甲骑兵,分为十队,每队300人,随皇帝出人作战。

    Another group of the imperial army , amounting to 3 000 soldiers , was top cavalrymen chosen from local armies across the country and who would follow the emperor into battle .

  9. 高速公路上首尾相接排成长队的汽车.吃完饭,按照谢队长的安排,由一个面目阴沉的农工领着其他几个人随大队出工。

    Cars queueing bumper to bumper on the motorway After breakfast , according to Header Xie , a depressing farm worker led other persons to go to work with workers in this farm .

  10. 方法:将346例留置尿管需拔管的住院病人随机分为实验组186例,对照组160例。实验组待病人尿意明显时协助其蹲在便器上缓慢拔管,尿随管出。

    Methods The author grouped 346 patients reserved with catheter randomly : experimental group ( 186 cases ), control group ( 160 cases ), then helped the patients in experimental group squat on commode and pulled out the catheter slowly as soon as they had obvious consciousness to maturate .

  11. 但过屈曲之后,两种边界条件下,FGM梁的频率随载荷呈现出不同变化。

    However , when the beam is in post-buckled state , the frequency versus the load parameter is showing a different variation .

  12. 田菁地上部分K+含量随时间呈现出下降趋势。

    Sesbania aerial parts of K + content showed a descending trend over time .

  13. 参赛个人和团队随音乐设计出一套动作,使用不同物体,如球或绳索等进行表演。

    Individuals and teams perform a routine according to music with different objects , like a ball or a rope .

  14. 结果表明,非均匀下垫面对流边界层的归一化热通量随高度表现出非线性特征,即具有上凸和下凹的特征。

    The results show that normalized heat flux profiles behave the non-linear characteristics , that is , the convex and concave features .

  15. 然后,结合受限领域的特点,利用层叠条件随机场构建出旅游领域命名实体识别模型,对择优选择的扩展词进行差值过滤,最终获得具有领域特性的查询扩展词。

    Then , use the CCRFs to build domain entity recognitions model to conduct differences value filtering . Finally , we obtained the query expansion words with domain characteristics .

  16. 利用电力变频装置,改变振动筛的激振电机的频率,通过调控装置,使振动频率随泥浆返出量而变化。

    Using the system of frequency conversion , change the vibratory motor rate of vibrator under the regulation and control , the vibrate frequency changes as quality of returned drilling mud changes .

  17. 土壤平均含水量、剖面各层含水量和半方差参数除变程外均随季节表现出明显的变化,但随土壤层次无明显的变化规律;

    Mean soil water content , water content and parameters of the semi-variogram except the range are changing with the season , but they have not apparent changing rule according with different layers .

  18. 在整个培养过程中,Pb或苄嘧磺隆处理的微生物量碳随时间变化表现出先降低后升高的趋势,在第7-30天降到最低点,之后略有回升,并趋于平稳。

    The soil microbial carbon under Pb or BSM treatment decreased with time at the beginning of incubation , being lowest during day 7 to 30 . It was then increased and stabilized afterwards .

  19. 种植于垃圾土中的植物光合作用随季节变化表现出一定的规律:夏季Pn高于秋季、春季。

    Plant photosynthesis of grown in garbage soil has changed with the seasons and show a certain regularity : The Pn of summer is higher than the fall and spring .

  20. 如果你选择了一个有问题的目标(瓶装水)并随随便便制造出一个重要的政策困境(环境vs健康),那么“轻推”将不会解决你的问题。

    If you pick a questionable target ( bottled water ) and fudge a key policy dilemma ( the environment vs health ) then nudging isn 't going to solve your problems .

  21. 施用农用复合肥的处理草坪草叶宽变化波动曲线在试验期间随施肥时间表现出一些波动。

    The blade width fluctuation curve of treatment treated with agricultural compound fertilizer has some changes . 5 .

  22. 水分特性随剖面深度表现出一定的变化规律,但半方差模型各参数随土壤深度无明显变化规律;

    Water properties are changing with the soil layers , but the semivariogram models have not apparent changing rule .

  23. 因此在这类地区作数据采集时,采集参数要随地表高速层出露的形态和反射层的陡度而改变。

    Therefore , acquisition parameters must depend on both the surface shape of cropped high velocity layer and the steepness of reflection horizons .

  24. 随著他踏出第一步,神便会指示他第二步,逐步带领他作最重要的工作。

    With that out of the way God could give him his next instruction and lead him on to the main task God had for him .

  25. 材料断口表面随温度升高呈现出逐渐增强的塑性,即:从室温的混合型(韧窝+解理)断口逐渐变化到300℃下的纯韧窝型断口。

    The fracture surface shows an enhanced plasticity with increasing temperature , i.e. , changes from mixed fracture of dimples and cleavage planes at room temperature to a pure dimple fracture at 300 ℃ .

  26. 特殊边界态的穿透深度在动量空间保持一个恒定的最小值,会导致反常有限尺寸效应,边界态能隙随宽度变化表现出非单调振荡行为。

    In contrast , the penetration depth maintains a uniform minimal value in the special edge states , and consequently the edge state gap decays non-monotonously with sam-ple width , leading to the anomalous finite-size effect .

  27. 主要研究成果如下:(1)大旱后三次降雨径流中污染物浓度总体上随降雨时间表现出不同程度的曲折下降。

    The major results are showed as follows : ( 1 ) The concentrations of pollutants in the three processes of rainfall runoff after the once-in-a-century drought decreased with the increasing of flow time as a whole .

  28. 因此,当观察一个目标的时候,望远镜似乎随著天空画出一道弧线,虽然它实际上正在牢牢固定停留指向宇宙深空之远点上-看起来却好像在移动一般。

    So , while observing a target , the telescope appears to be following an arc in the sky , although it is actually staying fixed dead-on to a distant point in deep space that just appears to me moving .

  29. 抗氧化酶的活性表现不一致,过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶的活性随生长进程表现出降低-升高-降低的变化趋势,均为枯黄期活性最低;

    The activities of antioxidative enzymes were varied during the plant growing season : the activity of peroxidase , catalase , and ascorbate peroxidase ebbed and flowed in a descend-ascend-descend tendency from the early vegetative growth period to the deficient state in the withering period .

  30. 碳化侵蚀试验结果表明,三种强度等级的混凝土碳化深度明显不同,且随碳化时间表现出明显的变化规律,本文建立了碳化时间、水灰比与碳化深度的数学关系。

    Carbonation corrosion tests suggest that the degree of carbonation of concrete of three different strengths evidently varies and carbonation duration changes accordingly in remarkable change patterns . Thus , the dissertation establishes mathematical relationships between carbonation duration , water-cement ratio and degree of carbonation .