
Yield front propagates away from the wellbore with the process of sand production .
The correlative experiments show that laser output beam quality becomes worse when the laser works longer .
Risk of the mechanical failure increased with increase of cutting-out index .
Count to three , raising the hand holding the cigarette on each count .
Two types of changes of the rate of water cut with recovery factor and the corresponding relative oil-water permeability curves for water-drive reservoirs
A test case ideal for performance testing has a prime aim of establishing the level of performance delivered by the present system .
The average flux in treating magnetic solution was higher than that of the general solution , which indicated that magnetic pretreatment could ameliorate parts of membrane performance .
Another group of the imperial army , amounting to 3 000 soldiers , was top cavalrymen chosen from local armies across the country and who would follow the emperor into battle .
Cars queueing bumper to bumper on the motorway After breakfast , according to Header Xie , a depressing farm worker led other persons to go to work with workers in this farm .
Methods The author grouped 346 patients reserved with catheter randomly : experimental group ( 186 cases ), control group ( 160 cases ), then helped the patients in experimental group squat on commode and pulled out the catheter slowly as soon as they had obvious consciousness to maturate .
However , when the beam is in post-buckled state , the frequency versus the load parameter is showing a different variation .
Sesbania aerial parts of K + content showed a descending trend over time .
Individuals and teams perform a routine according to music with different objects , like a ball or a rope .
The results show that normalized heat flux profiles behave the non-linear characteristics , that is , the convex and concave features .
Then , use the CCRFs to build domain entity recognitions model to conduct differences value filtering . Finally , we obtained the query expansion words with domain characteristics .
Using the system of frequency conversion , change the vibratory motor rate of vibrator under the regulation and control , the vibrate frequency changes as quality of returned drilling mud changes .
Mean soil water content , water content and parameters of the semi-variogram except the range are changing with the season , but they have not apparent changing rule according with different layers .
The soil microbial carbon under Pb or BSM treatment decreased with time at the beginning of incubation , being lowest during day 7 to 30 . It was then increased and stabilized afterwards .
Plant photosynthesis of grown in garbage soil has changed with the seasons and show a certain regularity : The Pn of summer is higher than the fall and spring .
If you pick a questionable target ( bottled water ) and fudge a key policy dilemma ( the environment vs health ) then nudging isn 't going to solve your problems .
The blade width fluctuation curve of treatment treated with agricultural compound fertilizer has some changes . 5 .
Water properties are changing with the soil layers , but the semivariogram models have not apparent changing rule .
Therefore , acquisition parameters must depend on both the surface shape of cropped high velocity layer and the steepness of reflection horizons .
With that out of the way God could give him his next instruction and lead him on to the main task God had for him .
The fracture surface shows an enhanced plasticity with increasing temperature , i.e. , changes from mixed fracture of dimples and cleavage planes at room temperature to a pure dimple fracture at 300 ℃ .
In contrast , the penetration depth maintains a uniform minimal value in the special edge states , and consequently the edge state gap decays non-monotonously with sam-ple width , leading to the anomalous finite-size effect .
The major results are showed as follows : ( 1 ) The concentrations of pollutants in the three processes of rainfall runoff after the once-in-a-century drought decreased with the increasing of flow time as a whole .
So , while observing a target , the telescope appears to be following an arc in the sky , although it is actually staying fixed dead-on to a distant point in deep space that just appears to me moving .
The activities of antioxidative enzymes were varied during the plant growing season : the activity of peroxidase , catalase , and ascorbate peroxidase ebbed and flowed in a descend-ascend-descend tendency from the early vegetative growth period to the deficient state in the withering period .
Carbonation corrosion tests suggest that the degree of carbonation of concrete of three different strengths evidently varies and carbonation duration changes accordingly in remarkable change patterns . Thus , the dissertation establishes mathematical relationships between carbonation duration , water-cement ratio and degree of carbonation .