
  1. 她丈夫随时都在身边,她只是认为他理应如此。

    Her husband was always there and she just took him for granted .

  2. 流行乐歌手LadyGaga:我很爱吵闹,我随时都在唱歌跳舞,我爸爸总是和我一起大笑……我的童年过得很精彩。

    LADY GAGA . POP PERFORMER : I just was very loud . I was always singing and dancing , and my father was always laughing with me , and ... I had a great childhood .

  3. 你知道,我是随时都在找寻新式样的。

    You know , I am always looking for something new .

  4. 迈克说他们随时都在等你。

    Mike says they 're ready for you downstairs anytime .

  5. 我随时都在家,因为我不酷。

    I 'm always home . I 'm uncool .

  6. 我随时都在提防他呢。

    I am always on my guard against him .

  7. 大脑其实随时都在学习,不过它也有自己的节奏。

    The brain learns all the time , but on its own schedule .

  8. 尤其是当我们青春年少时,改变随时都在发生,似乎无穷无尽。

    Especially in our teen years when it seems like changes are unending .

  9. 那是一种我们随时都在喝的烈酒。

    It 's a clear spirit we drink any time of the day .

  10. 交通事故,心脏病,还有暴力冲突随时都在发生。

    Traffic accidents , heart attacks , and acts of violence do happen .

  11. 经常注意当下,我们随时都在遇见“法”。

    Constantly looking here , we are meeting the Dharma at all time .

  12. 别忘了,彼苍随时都在为我们筹备着另一扇门。

    Don 't forget God always keeps an alternative door open for every one .

  13. 父亲竟然随时都在讲电话!

    My father is always on the phone !

  14. 人,环境,情感,随时都在发生变化,所以不要抵触。

    People , places , and feelings always change so don 't resist it .

  15. 这录像机随时都在侦测你的动作.不论双手在做什么,它都知道。

    Whatever you 're doing with your hands , it 's understanding that gesture .

  16. 但是市场价格随时都在变化。

    But the market prices are changing frequently .

  17. 失业犹如达摩克里斯剑,随时都在威胁着工人。

    Unemployment , like the sword of Damocles , was always accompanying the workers .

  18. 她随时都在准备帮助我们。

    She is always ready to help us .

  19. 但是如果你需要个依靠的话,我随时都在

    but I 'm here for you if you need someone to lean on .

  20. 我们随时都在一起,对吧?

    Together all the time , right ?

  21. 他的朋友们随时都在挺他,但他有点不懂得感恩。

    They 're always there for him , and he was a little bit ungrateful .

  22. 她对待男孩子们总是十分谨慎,因为她的兄弟们随时都在监视她的一举一动。

    She was always very careful about interactions with boys because her brothers watched everything .

  23. 其二,主必须接纳你&这一点儿你尽可放心,天主随时都在准备倾听你。

    Second , God must welcome you & and you can be sure God always does .

  24. 他随时都在询问医生:“是不是没有危险了?”

    Every moment , he kept asking the doctor : " Is he no longer in danger ?"

  25. 但人又是有思维的,这种思维随时都在变,没有一种情感是永恒不变的。

    But people are thinking , thinking all the time of such change , a sentiment is not immutable .

  26. 在人的婴幼儿时期,生理、心理随时都在以奔跑的速度生长着,构建着。

    In the human infant period , physiological , psychological always run in order to speed growth , building .

  27. 嘉吉的发言人表示:嘉吉随时都在研判若干商业机遇。

    A Cargill spokesperson said : At any given point in time Cargill is investigating a number of business opportunities .

  28. 我认为你推销时不会有任何困难。但是市场价格随时都在变化。

    I don 't think you 'll have any difficulty in pushing sales , but the market prices are changing frequently .

  29. 你的处境和环境随时都在改变,因此要注意不要混淆了紧急的事情和重要的事情。

    Your situation and environment is ever changing , so be careful not to confuse things that are urgent with things that are important .

  30. 尽力服务的特征是所有用户随时都在竞争网络的资源,信道是基于统计复用的。

    The characteristics of services to all users at any time in a competitive network resources , access is based on the statistical multiplexing .