
  • 网络Guide
  1. 婚姻与家庭咨询师、《幸福婚姻指南》的作者莎伦·吉尔克里斯特·奥尼尔说,吵架的时候,要专注于眼前问题,把焦点放在你们两个人身上。把对方父母牵扯进来进行比较的做法非常可恶,不公平,最终也偏离了你们本身的问题。

    When arguing , stick to the issue at hand and keep the focus on the two of you . Introducing nasty comparisons to your in-laws is unfair and ultimately a diversion from your problems , said Sharon Gilchrest O'Neill , a marriage and family therapist and the author of A Short Guide to a Happy Marriage .

  2. 可能听起来有些多余,但确是如此——生活中,没有能代来幸福的现成的指南,也没有挥一挥就能带来欢乐的魔棒。

    Sounds a bit redundant , but truthfully , there is no set guidelines that will bring one happiness . There is no " magic wand " we can wave to bring joy into our lives .

  3. 一个人必须明白,要想真正找到幸福,他就必须让自己幸福。可能听起来有些多余,但确是如此——生活中,没有能代来幸福的现成的指南,也没有挥一挥就能带来欢乐的魔棒。

    Inevitably , one must understand to truly find " happiness , " he must make his own happiness " happen . " Sounds a bit redundant , but truthfully , there is no set guidelines that will bring one happiness.There is no " magic wand "