
  • 网络shortcut to happiness;SHORTCUT TO HAPPINESE;The Devil and Daniel Webster
  1. 幸福没有捷径可言。

    There is no way to happiness .

  2. 太多美国人都将昂贵的商品作为了按MartinSeligman的话说:“一条条通往幸福的捷径”。MartinSeligman是宾夕法尼亚州立大学的一位心理学家。

    Too many Americans view expensive purchases as " shortcuts to well-being ," says Martin Seligman , a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania .

  3. 于是,我们要如何来控制我们的情绪,进而发现通往幸福的捷径呢?

    So , how do we take control of our emotions and find the path of Happiness ?

  4. 于是,我们要如何来控制我们的情绪,进而发现通往幸福的捷径呢?这似乎是一个价值连城的问题。

    So , how do we take control of our emotions and find the path of Happiness ? This seems to be the million dollar question .