
  • 网络Savrin
  1. 最后,Aristotle说真正的幸福是理解力的练习,是一种缜密思考的生活。

    In the end , Aristotle says that true happiness is the exercise of reason , a life of intellectual contemplation of thinking .

  2. 唯有当下的快乐与幸福最给力。

    Only the most current of joy and happiness to the force .

  3. 正确引导当代中学生对不幸的认识,提高他们追求幸福的意志力;

    To guide contemporary middle school students to understand misfortune correctly , improve their willpower of pursuing happiness ;

  4. 因此,只要脑海里带着积极的想法,你就可以减轻压力,增加幸福感和掌控力。

    As a result , you can decrease stress and increase a sense of wellbeing and control , just by holding positive thoughts and images in your mind .