
  1. 我希望有一天你能找到一个会让你幸福的女人。

    I hope some day you will find the woman who will make you happy

  2. 伊娃·朗格利娅在《绝望主妇》中的婚姻可谓糟糕透顶,但在现实生活中,伊娃可是个幸福的女人,她与NBA球星托尼·帕克订婚了!

    Her marriage didn 't work out on " Desperate Housewives ," but things are looking rosy in real life for Eva Longoria : She 's engaged to her beau , basketball star Tony Parker .

  3. 我会让你成为世界上最幸福的女人。

    I really want to make you the happiest woman alive !

  4. 如果你是前者请为你自己鼓掌吧,可以感受到幸福的女人是最适合结婚的女人。

    Those wo feel happy life in love suit the marriage most .

  5. 《幸福的女人》与《女人心思》比较研究

    The Comparative Study on " Happy Woman " and " Women Mind "

  6. 一个最幸福的女人,就象最强盛的国家,是没有历史的。

    The happiest woman , like the happiest nations , have no history .

  7. 不幸的是,我从未遇到过这样使我幸福的女人。

    Unfortunately , I have never met her who can make me happy .

  8. 和你有个孩子能让我变成世上最幸福的女人。

    Having children with you would make me the happiest woman in the world .

  9. 我是全世界最不可能让你幸福的女人

    And I 'm the last woman in the world who could make you happy .

  10. 24岁的安瓦尔说:如果能拿到护照的话,我就是世界上最幸福的女人了。

    If I could just get my passport , I 'd be the happiest woman in the universe , says anwar , 24 .

  11. 你也完全有权指出这错误因为我似乎都是跟感情不幸福的女人谈话,因而我会得出一些片面的观点。

    You are also wholly right to point out that since I seem to talk to women in unhappy relationships , I will have a skewed perspective .

  12. 我一直都觉得自己就是个幸福的女人,可是幸福中的不知足又让我总是茫然他顾。

    I have always felt is a happy woman , but I do not know enough of the well-being , then I 'm always at a loss Gu him .

  13. 新娘——有着美好幸福前景的女人。

    Bride -- a woman with a fine prospect of happiness behind her .

  14. 当我看到“没有玫瑰的罗茜”,一个拥有幸福婚姻的女人,在信中抱怨她丈夫总是不记得“重要的”日子时,我觉得自己有必要写几句。

    When I saw the letter from " Roseless Rosie ", the happily married woman who complained that her husband failed to remember " important " dates , I had to write .

  15. 幸福婚姻关系的秘诀女人如何从婚姻关系中获得幸福?

    The secret to being happy what does a woman need to be happy in a relationship ?