
  • 网络Ruby Ring
  1. 这个左手戴着一只红宝石戒指的老板让售货员给我们退货。

    The left hand wearing a ruby ring 's owner so that we return to the salesman .

  2. 那老夫人喜爱小姑娘的无私,就送给她红宝石戒指作为生日礼物。

    The little girl 's unselfishness endeared her to the old lady , who gave her a ruby ring as a birthday present .

  3. 好吧,也许不是订婚戒指,但是!那是一枚心形的红宝石戒指,而且戴在了传统意义上戴订婚戒指的手指上。

    Okay , it might not be an engagement ring , but it 's a ruby in the shape of a heart on the finger traditionally reserved for engagement rings .