
  • 网络the red shoes;Shoes
  1. 通过这个小小的悲剧和那个跳舞仙女的故事,鞋匠的儿子日后写出了闻名于世的故事“红舞鞋”。

    From that small tragedy and the story of the dancing fairy , the shoemaker 's son years later wrote the story that millions of people now know as The Red shoes .

  2. 跨界合作:时装业的红舞鞋

    Crossover : red shoes in fashion industry

  3. 8时,几屡金色的阳光洒进浙江省女子监狱的大礼堂,14个脚穿红舞鞋的妙龄女子在进行舞蹈训练。

    It was eight o'clock in the grand hall of Zhejiang Women 's Prison .

  4. 而且,就像是维基页面显示的一样,由于艺术和爱情,芭蕾和婚姻不可兼得,红舞鞋惩罚希勒跳到死。

    Likewise , Shearer , as Vicky Page , is danced to her death by her fidgety red slippers as a punishment for wanting both art and love , ballet and marriage .

  5. 一进入英国国立维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆,第一眼看见的便是夏日展厅里的鞋子:那是莫伊拉·希勒出演鲍威尔和皮斯伯格的电影《红菱艳》时穿过的红色芭蕾舞鞋,那双红舞鞋展现了女主人公的苦与乐。

    One of the first things you notice on entering the V & A 's new summer exhibition Shoes : Pleasure & Pain are the ballet slippers wornby Moria Shearer in Powell and Press burger 's film The Red Shoes .

  6. 不过它的对手却表示并非如此。伊夫圣罗兰宣称早在十八世纪法国国王路易十四就拥有一双红跟舞鞋,多萝西也曾在电影《绿野仙踪》里穿着一双深红色的拖鞋翩翩起舞。

    Not true , says its opponent , who claims that King Louis XIV had red-heeled dancing shoes in the 18th century and Dorothy danced in ruby slippers in " The Wizard of the Oz. "

  7. 而在格林版中,继母出席了白雪公主的婚礼,她误穿上一双烧红的铁舞鞋发狂地舞蹈至死。

    In the Grimm tale , the stepmother attends the wedding of Snow White , were she is made to put on a pair of red-hot iron shoes and dance to her death .