
hóng là jiāo
  • red pepper;cayenne;pimiento
红辣椒[hóng là jiāo]
  1. 交替放置肉丁和红辣椒片。

    Alternate cubes of meat and slices of red pepper .

  2. 交替放置肉丁和红辣椒片。

    Alternate cubes of meat with slices of red pepper .

  3. 报道了作者应用超临界CO2从红辣椒中萃取红色素的研究情况。

    Elementary tests for extracting red pigment from red chilli by using supercritical CO2 extraction and separation technique are reported .

  4. 从“红辣椒”(RedHotChiliPeppers)到圣文森特(St.BVincent),各种各样的乐手都声称受他影响;

    musicians as far-flung as the Red Hot Chili Peppers and St. Vincent cite him as an influence ;

  5. 我出差的时候通常会带一些坚果巧克力米脆棒、红辣椒碎和薄荷味的IceBreakers口香糖。

    I always travel with nuts over chocolate Luna bars , spicy red pepper flakes , and peppermint ice breakers gum .

  6. 辣椒素是红辣椒的主要辛辣成分,可特异性激活Aδ和C类纤维的初级传入神经元。

    Capsaicin , the pungent ingredient of hot pepper , is a specific activator of primary afferent C - and A δ - fibers . The kidney is innervated by sensory nerves , which are sensitive to capsaicin .

  7. 如果你确实喜欢某物,你可以用更具强调性的动词love/爱来表示:Ilovechillies/我喜欢红辣椒:Ilovetheweekend/我喜欢周末:Iloveholidays/我喜欢假期。

    If you really like something , you can use the more emphatic verb love / love : I love chillies / I love chillies : I love the weekend / I love the weekend : I love holidays / I love holidays .

  8. 四川菜系以其香辣而闻名,味道多变,着重使用红辣椒,搭配使用青椒和pricklyash,产生出经典的刺激的味道。

    Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavor , Sichuan cuisine , prolific of tastes , emphasizes on the use of chili . Pepper and prickly ash also never fail to accompany , producing typical exciting tastes .

  9. 辣椒素(capsaicin,CAP)是红辣椒中的主要成分,它可以选择性的激活感觉神经元,向中枢神经系统传导伤害性刺激从而产生灼痛。

    CAP , the main ingredient in hot chili peppers , elicits a sensation of burning pain by selectively activating sensory neurons that convey information about noxious stimuli to the central nervous system ( CNS ) .

  10. 根据新签订的协议,华纳将授权腾讯在各个在线平台使用自己的音乐。华纳旗下艺人包括布鲁诺·马尔斯(BrunoMars)、红辣椒(RedHotChiliPeppers)和林肯公园(LinkinPark)等明星。

    With its new deal , Warner - whose roster includes stars like Bruno Mars , the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Linkin Park - will grant licenses for Tencent to use its music through Tencent 's various outlets online .

  11. AnimaDulcis香水的配料就取自我们目前所享用的棕色粘稠状香摩尔:红辣椒、香草、桂皮以及巧克力,再配上粉色鸭肉,味道妙不可言。

    The fragrance Anima Dulcis featured those same ingredients we were now eating in a thick brown fragrant mole : chilli , vanilla , cinnamon and chocolate , paired with pink duck .

  12. 西班牙的冰淇淋(西语中称为“Helado”),体现了该地盛产香料、红辣椒和各种水果的特点。

    " Helado ," Spanish for ice cream , demonstrates the region 's abundant spices , chilis and fruits .

  13. 该群集中的最初病例为一名37岁妇女。她在Tigapanah村出售水果和红辣椒。

    The initial case in the cluster was a37-year-old woman who sold fruits and chillies at a market in the village of Tigapanah .

  14. 这项研究由Anesiva公司资助,Anesiva公司正开发一种叫Adlea的疼痛药物,它基于辣椒素&红辣椒中发辣的东西。

    The study was funded by Anesiva , a company that is developing a pain drug called Adlea , based on capsaicin , the hot stuff in peppers .

  15. 墨西哥人吃巧克力也加诸如红辣椒这样的调味品。

    The Mexicans also eat chocolate with spices like chili peppers .

  16. 红辣椒中含有丰富的辣椒红素、辣椒黄素。

    There is rich capsanthin and chilli orange in capsicum annuml .

  17. 所以我想我可以使用烟熏的红辣椒。

    That 's when it hit me to use smoked paprika .

  18. 一根红辣椒热狗一份炸三明治,谢谢

    Chilli willy dog , and a large fries , thanks !

  19. 一种玉米粉圆饼片,顶上有干酪和红辣椒粉,烤制而成。

    A tortilla chip topped with cheese and chili-pepper and broiled .

  20. 烤红辣椒,切,切,切。

    Roasted red pepper , chop , chop , chop .

  21. 1个红辣椒,切成两半,去处种子和精细粉碎

    1 red chilli , halved , deseeded and finely shredded

  22. 红辣椒对于消除体内脂肪具有神奇功效。

    Chillies could be a magic ingredient in the fight against fat .

  23. 辣椒红色素是红辣椒中呈鲜艳红色的部分。

    Capsanthin is the bright red part of red peppers .

  24. 加入红辣椒片,再炒几分钟。

    Add in red pepper flakes , and cook a minute more .

  25. 红辣椒,青辣椒和青葱在这一菜系中的必备品。

    Chili , pepper and shallot are usually necessaries in this division .

  26. 把甜玉米和切成小方块的青辣椒或红辣椒加进去。

    Add the sweet corn and the diced green or red pepper .

  27. 你上一次煮红辣椒和玉米面包的时候。

    Last time you made your chili and corn bread .

  28. 主要成份:乾燥红辣椒、大蒜、罗望子汁。

    Main ingredients : red dried chillies , garlic , tamarind juice .

  29. 农民还可以在田里种植红辣椒——将剩余的部分出售。

    Farmers can also grow fields of chili peppers -- and sell the

  30. 红辣椒中辣椒红色素的提取工艺研究

    Study on Extraction Process of Capsanthin from Red Chillies