
hóng fěn
  • beauty;woman;the fair sex
红粉 [hóng fěn]
  • [woman;beauty] 妇女化妆用的胭脂和粉,旧时借指年轻妇女,美女

红粉[hóng fěn]
  1. 结合在红外量子剪裁研究中对钼酸盐材料的研究经验,我们探索了其用于白光LED红粉的可能性。

    Based on our research experience in molybdate , we had explored the possibility of their use in WLED phosphor .

  2. 采用N-对磺酸基苯基-2-羟基-3-萘甲酰胺和吐氏酸分别作为第二偶合组分和第二重氮组分,并采用混合工艺对808大红粉进行改性研究。

    N-p-Sulfo-phenyl-2-hydroxy-3-naphthylamide and Tobias acid as second coupling component or second diazoic component was respectively used in the modification study on Red Pigment of Naphthol AS by using mixed coupling technique .

  3. 中国社交媒体上一场史诗般的代际之争划上句点,在这场数据之战中,40岁歌手周杰伦的夕阳红粉丝们战胜了以Z世代为主的年轻歌手蔡徐坤的粉丝。

    An epic generational clash waged on Chinese social media has come to a close , with the mostly older fans of 40-year-old singer Jay Chou declaring digital victory over the largely Gen Z followers of young vocalist Cai Xukun .

  4. 结果表明绿粉和蓝粉的色坐标变化较大,而红粉变化较小,使得PDP白场色温向较低的方向变化。

    The results show that the variation of chromaticity coordinates of green and blue phosphor is large and for red phosphor it is small which makes the white color temperature of PDP varies toward to the lower direction .

  5. Y2O2S∶Eu是目前彩电和显示器中广泛使用的红色荧光粉,本文对近年来国内外对Y2O2S∶Eu红粉的市场需求和研究状况以及我国的生产状况进行了综述。

    Y 2O 2S ∶ Eu red emitting phosphor is widely used in color TVs and displays . This review is about market , investigation of Y 2O 2S ∶ Eu red emitting phosphor and its production in China in recent years .

  6. 红粉知己一个可以对其倾吐秘密或私事的女友。

    A woman to whom secrets or private matters are disclosed .

  7. 那不会太难,爸爸就是红粉煤炭公司总裁。

    That 's not hard . father 's president of Redfern coal .

  8. “红粉佳人”的味道有点儿甜。

    The taste of " Pink Lady " is sweet .

  9. 澳大利亚西部多毛蔓生或匍匐植物,有亮丽的红粉色的花。

    Hairy trailing or prostrate Western Australian vine with bright scarlet-pink flowers .

  10. 试计算红粉笔和黄粉笔的差数。

    Calculate the difference between the number of red chalks and white chalks .

  11. 提高抛光的草酸红粉硬度的研究

    Research on Increasing Hardness of Polishing Oxalate Red Powder

  12. 实验试剂:茜素红粉美国生产上海进口分装。

    Experimental reagents : alizarin produced in American , departed load in Shanghai ;

  13. 改写与还原&《红粉》的隐形结构

    Rewrite and Restore & the Contact Structure of

  14. 我想要一支红粉笔。

    I want a piece of red chalk .

  15. 菲尔讨厌主流音乐,所以他不知道红粉佳人是谁。

    Phil hates mainstream music , so he doesn 't know who Pink is .

  16. 宝剑赠英雄,红粉送佳人。

    A sword is given to hero , a flower is gived to beauty .

  17. 氧气氧化硫酸亚铁合成超细铁红粉体新工艺

    IRON OXIDE RED A Novel Prepared Process of Ultrafine Hematite by Oxygen Oxidation of FeSO_4

  18. 混合偶合方法对色酚AS红色颜料(大红粉)的改性研究

    A Study of the Modification on Red Pigment of Naphthol AS by Using Mixed Coupling Technique

  19. 现在球迷们可以在那里找到了在纽约时报畅销书红粉格子。

    And now fans can find out where in the New York Times bestseller Pretty in Plaid .

  20. 宣钢4竖炉配加红粉降低膨润土用量的试验

    Trial to add laterite to reduce consumption of bentonite in 4 # shaft furnace in Xuan Steel

  21. 我看完《红粉佳人》后我也好想参加美国人的毕业舞会。(《红粉佳人》:1986年青春爱情校园电影,片中有毕业舞会桥段)

    Ever since I saw Pretty in Pink , I 've wanted to go to an American prom .

  22. 应用热刺激电流分析测定了几种型号的氧化铁红粉末颜料的表面电荷。

    The surface charges of several types of red iron oxide pigment have been determined by using thermoelectrieity analysis .

  23. 后来与李少红的合作很多,一块做的片子还有《血色清晨》、《红粉》、《四十不惑》。

    Later I had many co-operations with her , such as Bloody Morning , Rouge , 40 Years Old .

  24. 他在医院待了四个月,出院后即与大学时代的红粉知己珍结婚了。

    Four months after leaving the hospital , he married his best friend , Jane , a college sweetheart .

  25. 绕过一群正在试妆的红粉佳人,多兰悄悄走进一台设备,轻拍了一下它的显示屏。

    Bypassing a battalion of blush , Dolan sidled up to a kiosk and lightly tapped on its display .

  26. 他笔下的人物形象主要有三类:旧城少年、红粉女子和逃亡者。

    There are mainly three kinds of images in his novel : Teenagers , women and the leave home person .

  27. 因此,寻求降低铕含量的方法与技术,成为研究者研究与开发Y2O3:Eu3+红粉的关键问题。

    Therefore , developing the new methods and techniques to reduce the content of europium become the key issues of researchers .

  28. 用途:用作各种彩色荧光粉,尤其是红粉的激活剂,也是核反应堆中子控制棒的材料。

    Uses : As an activator of various phosphor , especially red phosphor , also as the material of bar in nuclear reactor .

  29. “那个红粉脸庞的是贝思吗?就是那个长期呆在家里偶尔挎个小篮子出去的?”,劳瑞兴致颇高地问道。

    " Is Beth the rosy one , who stays at home good deal and sometimes goes out with a little basket ?" asked Laurie with interest .

  30. 科学家宣称女性更喜欢红粉色系,男性倾心于蓝绿色系,而且他们将这种喜好归功于我们狩猎采集的过去。

    Scientists have shown that females are drawn to pinks and reds and men to blues and greens – and they believe the explanation lies our hunter-gatherer past .