
  1. 采用离子束溅射镀膜和氧化工艺在Si(110)和石英衬底上制备了用于非致冷红外探测器阵列热敏材料的混合相氧化钒多晶薄膜。

    Polycrystalline Vanadium Oxides thin films deposited on Si ( 110 ) and quartz substrates for thermo-sensitive material of uncooled IR detector arrays were fabricated by ion beam sputtering deposition and oxide process .

  2. 钛酸锶钡(BaxSr(1-x)TiO3,BST)薄膜具有优良的铁电、介电性能,在可调谐微波器件、动态随机存储器、红外探测器阵列等方面具有良好的应用前景。

    Barium strontium titanate ( BST ) thin films possess good ferroelectric and dielectric properties . They are promising materials in application of tunable microwave devices , DRAMs , IR detector arrays and so on .

  3. 线列混合型石英微透镜/红外探测器阵列的研究

    Study of the Linear Hybrid Quartz Microlens Array / IR Detectors

  4. 本文就氧化钒非致冷红外探测器阵列读出电路结构这一内容,论述了氧化钒微测辐射热计的电学特性和工作原理。

    Focusing on readout architectures for uncooled vanadium oxide infrared radiation detector arrays the electronic performace and principle of microbolometer are described .

  5. 对8×8TFT红外探测器阵列进行了初步的热成像实验,结果表明器件具备了热成像能力。

    Primary thermal imaging tests of 8 × 8 TFT-based arrays are carried out , indicating the array has a capability to construct thermal images .

  6. 锑化铟是一种窄禁带化合物半导体。近几年,它作为3~5μm红外探测器阵列的一种材料受到广泛的重视。

    InSb is a narrow gap semiconductor , In recent years it has been attracted as a material for 3 - 5 uni infrared detector arrays .

  7. 为研制红外多元探测器阵列,我们采用柯达法制备了硫化铅(PbS)多晶膜,对它的结构特性和电学特性进行了研究。

    For developing infrared polyelement detector array , we use Kodak method to prepare PbS poly-crystalline film . Its structure and electrical properties have been studied .

  8. 报道了128×128AlGaAs/GaAs量子阱红外焦平面探测器阵列的设计和制作。

    We design and fabricate a 128 × 128 AlGaAs / GaAs quantum well infrared photodetector focal plane array ( FPA ) .

  9. 新颖的Si(1-x)Gex/Si异质结内光电发射长波红外探测器和焦平面阵列的发展

    Development of Novel Si_ ( 1-x ) Ge_x / Si Heterojunction Internal Photoemission Long-wave IRD and FPA

  10. GexSi(1-x)/Si超晶格量子阱红外探测器和焦平面阵列现状

    The State of the Art of Ge_xSi_ ( 1-x ) / Si Superlattice Quantum Well Infrared Detectors and Focal Plane Array

  11. 读出电路是红外成像系统中探测器阵列与信号处理器之间很重要的接口电路。

    The read - out integrated circuit ( ROIC ) is an important interface circuit between infrared focal plane arrays ( IRFPAs ) and signal processor .

  12. 可用于近红外太阳观测的几种红外探测器阵列

    Some Infrared Focal Panel Arrays Applying in Near Infrared Solar Observation

  13. 红外焦平面探测器是现代红外热成像系统的关键器件,它包括红外探测器阵列和读出电路两部分。

    Infrared focal plane arrays ( IRFPA ) is a key component of modern infrared imaging system , which consists of infrared detector arrays and readout circuits .

  14. 红外焦平面阵列是获取景物红外辐射信息的重要光电器件,由红外探测器阵列和读出电路组成。

    Infrared focal plane array ( IRFPA ) is an important optics-electronic device to capture infrared radiation , which consists of infrared detector arrays and CMOS readout integrated circuit ( ROIC ) .