
  • 网络Ken Chu
  1. 与观澜湖集团副主席、中国蓬勃发展的高尔夫行业最具权势的人物之一朱鼎健(KenChu)初次会面时,我鞋子上套着黄色塑料袋。

    When I first met Ken Chu , vice-chairman of Mission Hills Group and one of the most powerful men in China 's burgeoning golf industry , I was wearing yellow plastic bags over my shoes .

  2. 而朱鼎健每隔一周就会飞来视察一下项目进展。

    And Ken Chu flies in every two weeks to monitor progress on the project .

  3. 但当我问及海南开发项目时,朱鼎健为何会保持缄默呢?

    But why the reticence when I inquired about the Hainan development ?

  4. 朱鼎健进门的时候,我首先注意的是他的鞋子时髦的黑色皮鞋,没有穿鞋套。

    When Chu arrived , the first thing I noticed was his shoes stylish , black , leather and uncovered .