
  • cinnabar
  1. 冲淡剂具有必定的透明量,适分油不朱的众色叠印。

    Diluting agent has certain transparency for ink multi-color overprint .

  2. 外交部(白头鹰)并立即就朱的言论作出回应。

    Foreign Ministry officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment about General Zhu 's remarks .

  3. 结果表明,试验期朱的营巢、交尾、产卵、孵化及哺育等繁殖行为正常,繁殖成绩较高;

    Reproductive behavior of nesting , mating , laying egg , hatching , breeding in Crested ibis was normal and reproduction result was much higher during experimental period .

  4. 在某些特不退的印件上,优质油不朱的不败果给优于不朱度的不败果,同时它也会感化到网目线数的采取。

    In some of the specific job , high-quality inks are better than ink volume , at the same time it also affects the choice of the mesh line number .

  5. 离朱的眼力异于常人,他对五色的辨识非常敏锐;然而也正因如此,他将自己耽溺在形状与设计上,将主要的精神应用在青黄调配与不必要的制作祭服之上。

    With super eyesight , Li Zhu was acute to various colors whereas he indulged himself in designing shape and spent his energy in matching color and making the sacrifice clothes .

  6. 但是Bari族女商人ClassAnuor表示对朱巴的地位感到高兴。

    But Bari businesswoman Class Anuor said she is happy with Juba 's status .

  7. 在我们知道南苏丹的意愿之前,一切都只是口头说说而已,朱巴的一位商业顾问戴维拉德(DavidRaad)表示。

    It 's all academic until we know what the south Sudanese want , said David Raad , a business consultant in Juba .

  8. 笼养条件下朱雏鸟的饲养管理和生长发育

    The Growth of Nestling of Crested Ibis Hand - rearing

  9. 赤色鸥有朱红色的细嘴和双腿。

    The yurikamome gull has a vermilion bill and legs .

  10. 雨轻轻弹,朱红色的窗。

    Rain drops slightly flick , on the window vermilion-like .

  11. 《夺秋魁》是朱佐朝的重要剧作。

    Duo qiu kui is one of Zhu Zuochao s representative dramas .

  12. 朱先生的好坏功过,每个人心中都有一杆秤。

    Good or bad , everyone seems to have an opinion about Mr.

  13. 朱巴的广场以前主要是交通运输的终点。

    Juba 's town square once served mainly as a transportation terminus .

  14. 浅论朱湘的现代叙事诗创作及理论

    Brief Analysis on Zhu Xiang 's Creation and Theory of Modern Narrative Poems

  15. 我感觉像是在南希朱儿的中年危机之迷里。

    I feel like Nancy Drew in the mystery of the mid-life crisis .

  16. 我感觉像是在南希?朱儿的中年危机之迷里

    I feel like Nancy Drew in The Mystery of the Midlife Crisis .

  17. 他那辆新跑车是朱红色的。

    His new sporte car is bright vermilion .

  18. 朱某的父亲在驱车从延安赶往泰州之前立即联系了警方。

    Zhu 's father immediately contacted the police before driving from Yan'an to Taizhou .

  19. 废园中的死亡之旅&论朱湘的诗

    The Trip to Death in the Desolate Garden & On ZHU xiang 's poems

  20. 侵蚀和风化。风力使分层的沙岩山丘呈漩涡状在大峡谷朱红色的悬崖荒凉的地域。

    Wind erosion makes these layered sandstone hills swirl in Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness Area .

  21. 我怕这里有朱滔的人。

    Chu tu 's men are here .

  22. 这些就是朱巴人的生活场景。

    These are the faces of Juba .

  23. 紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线,细麻和山羊毛。

    Violet and purple , and scarlet twice dyed , and fine linen , and goats'hair .

  24. 考虑到法律和外交现实,有关朱令的请愿不太可能产生什么实质结果。

    Given legal and diplomatic realities , the Zhu petition is unlikely to amount to much .

  25. 院子里,饱满的石榴撑破了朱红色的外衣,展示着宝石般的果粒。

    Pomegranates in the courtyards are bursting their vermillion skins to show off their jeweled kernels .

  26. 化学家沃尔特认定物质是由赭色和朱红色的蛋彩画颜料涂上去;

    Chemist Walter McCrone identified the substance as a combination of red ochre and vermilion tempera paint ;

  27. 大约有20000人在联合国位于首都朱巴的基地中避难。

    About 20000 people have taken refuge at a U. N. base in the capital , Juba .

  28. 本不白侧重阐发柔性版制卡和会员卡制作不朱杠的成因及处置方法。

    This article focus flexo business card printing and membership card making ink on the causes and solutions .

  29. 美朱指着的那片天空正是双子星座和巨蟹星座。

    The area that Miaka pointed to was the region where the constellations of cancer and Gemini shone .

  30. 南苏丹政府一位部长在他朱巴的部长大楼中被射杀。

    A minister in the government of Southern Sudan has been shot dead inside his ministry building in Juba .