
  • 网络Shigang;Stone Harbor;Stonehaven;Rock Harbor;Stone haven
  1. 在东平桥上照的,左面就是澜石港。

    Standing on Dongping Bridge , Lanshi port is at the left side .

  2. 这些特征反映石港、汊涧、吴堡断层体系应属离散型右行走滑断层。

    Based on the above characteristics , it is believed that the Shigang , Chajian and Wubao fault systems are of discrete-type right lateral strike-slip faults .

  3. 详细介绍釜石港大水深梯形沉箱防波堤、柴山港双层圆筒防波堤、宫崎港半圆型防波堤和熊本港的倒π型着底式防波堤。

    The deepwater trapezoidal caisson breakwater at Kamaishi , the dual cylinder caisson breakwater at Shibayama , the semi-circular breakwater at Miyazaki and the " inverse л type " breakwater at Kumamoto are introduced in detail .

  4. 石垣港换单简介及操船

    Introduce the change document of Ishigaki Port and ships handling

  5. 阳江四海虾皮实业有限公司座落于美丽且富饶的海滨城市阳江,一个盛产虾皮的海湾&石巷港。

    Yangjiang Shai Shrimp Industries Limited locates in the beautiful & rich coastal city of Yangjiang , Shixiang Seaport , which is rich in shrimps .

  6. 凭借其良好的地理位置,湛江港已经成为我国西南、华南地区货物进出口的主要通道,也是华南地区最大的铁矿石进口港。

    Now it already becomes the main passage of the goods for South and Southwest China , and the South China 's biggest port for iron ore import .

  7. 然而青岛不仅满足于此,今年,世界最大的铁矿石码头青岛港对世界开放。

    But it isn 't exactly Nantucket : This year its busy port will open the world 's largest iron ore terminal .