
  • 网络Garnet peridotite
  1. 从组构、位错、滑移系及古应力计算等方面综合研究了大别山超高压石榴橄榄岩的流变学特征。

    The rheological features of Bixiling ultra_high_pressure garnet peridotite in Dabie mountains are studied in terms of fabric , dislocation , glide system and paleo_stress computation .

  2. 而含柯石英片麻岩的锆石和石榴橄榄岩超高压变质年龄均为423Ma,代表大陆地壳深俯冲发生的时间。

    The zircon age of coesite-bearing gneiss and the age of UHP metamorphism of garnet peridotite are both 423 Ma , representing the timing of continental deep subduction .

  3. 该区原始地幔矿物成分为橄榄石(728%)、单斜辉石(124%)和石榴石(148%),属含单辉石榴橄榄岩的地幔。

    The local primordial mantle consists mainly of olivine ( 72 8 % ), clinopyroxene ( 12 4 % ) and garnet ( 14 8 % ), and is a clinopyroxene bearing garnet peridotite mantle .

  4. 中国东部新生代玄武质岩石中的超镁铁质捕虏体,主要包括五种类型:石榴石二辉橄榄岩(±少量尖晶石)、尖晶石二辉橄榄岩、尖晶石方辉橄榄岩、辉石岩和巨晶矿物。

    Ultramafic xenoliths of garnet lherzolites (± rare spinel ), spinel lherzolites , spinel harzburgites , pyroxenites and pyroxene megacrysts were collected from the Cenozoic basaltic rocks in all parts of eastern China .

  5. 中国几个地方的石榴石二辉橄榄岩捕虏体研究

    Study on garnet lherzolite xenoliths from eastern China

  6. 然而中苏的地理接近,却是中国抗战的有利条件。胶东&苏北石榴石二辉橄榄岩形成条件及年代

    Formation Conditions and Age for Garnet Lherzolite from Eastern Shandong and Northern Jiangsu , China

  7. 浙江新昌石榴石二辉橄榄岩包体的流变特征及其地质意义

    Rheological Features of Garnet Lherzolite Xenoliths from Xinchang , Zhejiang Province , China and their Geological Implications

  8. 微量元素模拟计算表明,该玄武岩岩浆可以由石榴石二辉橄榄岩经3%~6%的部分熔融得到;

    According to calculation , 3 to 6 percent partial melting of garnet-lherzolite could produce the basalt magma .

  9. 另一个是源岩为石榴石二辉橄榄岩,随着局部熔融程度的增加形成的霞石岩岩浆-碱性苦橄玄武岩系列。

    The other is nephelinite magma-alkaline picritic basalt magma , which are generated by partial melting of the garnet Iherzolite .

  10. 上地幔由超镁铁质的二辉橄榄岩组成,在尖晶石二辉橄榄岩和石榴石二辉橄榄岩之间有一过渡层。

    The upper mantle consists of lherzolite , and it seems that there is a transition zone between spinel and garnet lherzolites .

  11. 一些陨石中发现的细小微粒(如贵橄榄石微粒)。胶东&苏北石榴石二辉橄榄岩形成条件及年代

    Small granule ( of e.g. chrysolite ) found in some meteoric rocks . Formation Conditions and Age for Garnet Lherzolite from Eastern Shandong and Northern Jiangsu , China

  12. 尖晶石二辉橄榄岩的低程度部分熔融(2~5%)熔体与石榴石二辉橄榄岩更低程度部分熔融(<2%)熔体的混合,可以解释集宁玄武岩稀土元素的变化特征。

    The mixing of low degree melts of spinel lherzolite ( 2 ~ 5 % ) and garnet lherzolite ( < 2 % ) can explain the REE features in Jining basalts .

  13. 山旺新生代玄武岩中的超镁铁质包体分为五类:尖晶石纯橄榄岩、尖晶石二辉橄榄岩、尖晶石方辉橄榄岩、尖晶石石榴石二辉岩和石榴石二辉橄榄岩。

    The Shanwang basalts contain ultramafic inclusions and megacrysts of clinopyroxene and anorthoclase . The ultramafic inclusions can be divided into five classes : spinel dunite , spinel lherzolite , spinel harzburgite , spinel-garnet websterite and garnet lherzolite .

  14. 金红石榴辉岩及石榴石橄榄岩具有最低的产热率,为17×10-11~20×10-11W/kg;

    The rutile eclogites and garnet peridotites have the lowest and similar values at about 17 ~ 20 × 10-11W / kg ;