  • juice;extract
  • 混有某种物质的水:~液。墨~。果~。胆~。脑~。


(含有某种物质的液体) juice:

  • 果汁

    fruit juice;

  • 牛肉汁

    beef extract;

  • 墨汁

    prepared Chinese ink;

  • 椰子汁

    coconut milk

  1. 把半个柠檬的汁挤在鱼上。

    Squeeze the juice of half a lemon over the fish .

  2. 我切柠檬时,柠檬汁溅到了我眼睛里。

    When I cut the lemon , juice squirted in my eye .

  3. 改用文火,把调味汁炖5分钟。

    Bring the sauce to a simmer and cook for 5 minutes .

  4. 番茄使调味汁别有风味。

    The tomatoes give extra flavour to the sauce .

  5. 把金枪鱼切成片,加上调味汁。

    Flake the tuna and add to the sauce .

  6. 加进柠檬汁并搅拌均匀。

    Add the lemon juice and mix well .

  7. 椰子汁是从擦碎的椰肉里榨出来的。

    Coconut milk is expressed from grated coconuts .

  8. 把调味汁用文火炖10分钟。

    Simmer the sauce gently for 10 minutes .

  9. 他最爱喝的饮料是朗姆酒加柠檬汁。

    His favourite tipple was rum and lemon .

  10. 最后,再加柠檬汁。

    Lastly , add the lemon juice .

  11. 这肉又嫩汁又多。

    The meat was tender and juicy .

  12. 加两个柠檬的汁。

    Add the juice of two lemons .

  13. 加少量柠檬汁。

    Add a dash of lemon juice .

  14. 加热调味汁并不停地搅动。

    Heat the sauce , stirring constantly .

  15. 这种调味汁尽是人造香料和色素。

    This sauce is full of E-numbers .

  16. 这调味汁里有结块。

    This sauce has lumps in it .

  17. 调入柠檬汁、柠檬皮和核桃。

    Blend in the lemon extract , lemon peel and walnuts .

  18. 调味汁不能煮沸,不然蛋黄会凝结的。

    The sauce should not boil or the egg yolk will curdle

  19. 用油炸一下剩下的辣椒,如果需要再加点调味汁。

    Fry remaining peppers , adding a little more dressing if necessary

  20. 柠檬汁和酸橙汁暂时都缺货。

    Lemon and lime juice were both temporarily out of stock .

  21. 加上一点柠檬汁给黄油调味。

    Add a splash of lemon juice to flavor the butter .

  22. 如果愿意的话,可以把这些调味汁倒入一只单独的长柄锅里。

    Transfer this sauce to a separate saucepan , if desired .

  23. 把鹰嘴豆放在开水中煮,并加入大蒜和柠檬汁。

    Boil the chick peas , add garlic and lemon juice

  24. 把面条轻放在调味汁中间就行了。

    Just plop the noodles over the center of the sauce

  25. 试试用柠檬汁去除手指上的烟渍。

    Try using lemon juice to remove tobacco stains from your fingers .

  26. 打开盖子,用勺子盛些调味汁到碗里。

    Remove the cover and spoon some of the sauce into a bowl

  27. 搅拌调味汁,把它浇在上面。

    Stir the sauce and pour it over the top .

  28. 将炉火调小,用文火炖调味汁。

    Turn the heat down so the sauce simmers gently .

  29. 把西红柿散放在上面,然后给色拉加调味汁。

    Scatter the tomato over , then dress the salad .

  30. 我主要喝咖啡和姜汁汽水。

    I live mostly on coffee and ginger ale .
