
zhī yè
  • juice
汁液 [zhī yè]
  • [juice] 汁水

汁液[zhī yè]
  1. SO2伤害与葡萄汁液含酸量、pH值、缓冲容量的关系

    Studies on Relationship Between SO_2 Injury and Titratable Acidity , pH , Buffer Capacity in Grape Juice

  2. 安琪酵母:温度为32℃;pH值为5.03;接种量为1.1‰;汁液锤度为14Brix。

    Anqi Yeast : a temperature of 32 ℃; pH value of 5.03 ; inoculation of 1.1 ‰; juice Brix to 14 Brix .

  3. 这种植物的汁液会使皮肤起水疱。

    The sap of this plant blisters the skin .

  4. 蜂胶是蜜蜂用植物汁液合成的像树脂一样的物质。

    Propolis is a hard resinous substance made by bees from the juices of plants .

  5. 这种病菌通过吸吮植物汁液的昆虫传播,自2013年首次发现以来,已导致意大利橄榄产量下降了60%。

    Transmitted by sap-sucking insects , the bacterium1 has caused Italy 's olive production to decline by 60 % since it was first discovered in 2013 .

  6. NO3~-吸收促进木质部汁液的pH升高;

    Uptake of NO_3 ~ - heightened pH value of xylem sap .

  7. 植物经历逆境胁迫时,木质部汁液pH常常升高。

    When plants experience a range of stress conditions , their xylem sap pH often rises .

  8. 结果表明几种植物汁液和汁液生物肥均能提高辣椒产量、改善品质,尤其在提高辣椒维生素C和降低硝酸盐含量上效果明显。

    The results showed that all of the juices and juice bio_fertilizers could raise the yield and improve the quality of hot pepper .

  9. 钙试剂对干旱胁迫玉米脱落酸与木质部汁液pH的影响

    Effects of EGTA , verapamil and trifluoperazine on ABA , and xylem sap pH of maize seedling under drought stress

  10. 实验结果表明,杉木针叶汁液pH值和土壤pH值随模拟酸雨pH值下降而降低,土壤比叶汁液更容易被酸化,也更难恢复。

    The results showed that the pH of C. lanceolata leaf sap and soil decreased as the acidity of rainfall increased .

  11. 光暗交替有利产孢。病菌对葡萄糖、D-木糖、蔗糖、寄主汁液等C源物质以及对甘氨酸、脲等N源利用较好。

    This fungus could make effective use of glucose , D-xylose , sucrose , fructose and host juice as carbon source , and glycine , urea etc.

  12. 猪PSE肉的pH值判定及其与汁液流失关系的研究

    Study on pH determination of PSE meat and the relationship between pH and its juice losses

  13. 长期盐胁迫对库拉索芦荟(Aloevera)生长和汁液理化性质的影响

    Effect of long-term salt stress on aloe vera in growth and physical-chemical properties of leaf juice

  14. 4,气孔导度随木质部汁液ABA含量的升高而降低,两者间存在显著的负相关关系。

    Stomatal conductance decreased with the increase in xylem ABA content , and there existed a obvious negative linear relationship .

  15. 高氮条件下干旱处理降低了木质部汁液中ZR的含量,但低氮处理的效果不明显。

    High nitrogen treatment , but no low nitrogen treatment , decreased the xylem ZR content when exposed soil drying .

  16. 铵态氮处理下植株木质部汁液中大量存在的NH4~+使玉米植株的生物量减少;

    Too much NH_4 ~ + in xylem sap reduced biomass of maize treated with NH_4 ~ + - N.

  17. 在可检测的感染叶片的汁液稀释范围内,用TMV与CMV的抗血清分别交叉检测CMV与TMV,均未出现阳性反应。

    There is no positive reaction in the detections of CMV with TMV-Antiserum and of TMV with AMV-Antiserum respectively .

  18. 确定了速冻草莓的最佳冻结时间,并研究了用不同预处理方式处理速冻草莓在冻藏期间的VC含量、pH值的变化,硬度与汁液流失率。

    The content of ascorbic acid , the firmness and drip loss of the thawed strawberries were measured to study the effect of different pretreatments on the quality of frozen strawberry .

  19. 该分离物与标准CMV抗血清及CMV-As抗血清呈阳性反应,与健康兔血清、健康植物汁液及TMV呈阴性反应。

    The isolate showed positive reaction with standard CMV and CMV-As antiserum .

  20. 然而,木质部汁液pH升高与植物中普遍存在的低浓度ABA交互作用,却使气孔开度减小,蒸腾速率下降。

    However , the higher xylem sap pH also raises the concentration of ABA which is ubiquitous in all land plants , which reduces the stomatal opening and the transpiration rate .

  21. 解冻后7h,荔枝果实的好果率为70%以上,5℃缓慢解冻,降低了果实货架期的汁液流失率。

    The marketable fruits rates were over 70 % after 7 h thawing .

  22. pH3.5的处理对幼苗叶片的伤害也比较明显,导致叶汁液pH值下降,生长量呈现下降趋势。

    The pH3.5 treatment also caused foliar damage and decline in pH of the leaf sap , leading to growth inhibition of the seedlings .

  23. 插前将插条置于清水中浸泡2h既能使插条吸足水分又可洗去切口上的白色汁液,因而对生根有促进作用。

    Putting cuttings into water for 2h before cuttage could improve rooting because the cuttings absorbed enough water and cleaned the white juice on the cut .

  24. 芦荟汁液浓缩干品(90d)亚慢性毒性研究

    90 days subchronic toxicity study of aloe yellow juice concentrate

  25. 叶片相对含水量、水分饱和亏、自由水、束缚水含量,细胞汁液浓度也同土壤PF值显著相关。

    Relative water content ( RWC ) , Water saturation defi-cit ( WSD ) , free water , bound water and cell sap concentration were all correlated with PF .

  26. 以树木叶片为材料,测定了230多种树木叶片汁液的pH值,等电点和缓冲容量,并计算了耐酸力,以此研究和探讨了树木抗SO2的机理。

    To probe into the mechanism of trees ' resistance to SO2 , the pH , isoelectric point , buffer capacity of the leaf sap from more than 230 different trees were determined ; and the acidresistivity of them was calculated .

  27. 为了给小麦的生产和育种提供一定的理论依据,在大田条件下,对11个小麦品种旗叶汁液可溶性物质含量、pH值、K+含量和产量结构进行了测定。

    Under field ( condition ), soluble matter ( content ), pH and K ~ + ( content ) of flag leaf sap of 11 winter wheat genotypes were studied in order to give some theoretic base to the growers and breeders .

  28. 染病组织粗汁液和提纯病毒制备物在SDS双向免疫扩散试验中与小西葫芦黄花叶病毒抗血清发生强烈的免疫沉淀反应;

    To the potyvirus group . The sap from infected tissue and purified virus preparation strongly reacts with antiserum against zucchini yellow mosaic virus ( ZYMV ) in SDS-agar gel double diffusion tests .

  29. PSE肉的严重汁液流失是肌浆蛋白和肌球蛋白变性的结果,而宰后早期(6h前)的低pH是蛋白质变性的主要诱因;

    These data indicated that high drip loss of PSE was due to the denaturation of sarcoplasmic protein and myosin , which were the results from lower pH at early postmortem time .

  30. 汁液改良后的pH值是影响枇杷果酒色泽的最主要因素,其次为游离SO2浓度,汁液的酸度越高、游离SO2含量越大,则发酵停止时果酒的色泽越浅,色度越低;

    The main factor that affected wine color was pH of modified fruit juice , next was free SO_2 ; The acid of liquid and free SO_2 were more high , the wine color was more light .
