
  • 网络coir;coir dust;coconut coir
  1. 将小苗移栽至基质配比为椰糠∶河沙等于1∶1的育苗盆中,成活率达100%。

    The rooted plantlets survived by 100 % when transplanted onto containers for culture on the medium containing coir and sand at a ratio of 1:1 .

  2. 利用花生壳、椰糠作为墨兰盆栽基质的研究

    Studies on Peanut Hulls and Coir Pith for Growing Media of Cymbidium Sinense

  3. 椰糠和花生壳粉是良好的发芽基质,供试的4种花卉种子发芽指数(GI)均超过100,作为发芽基质具有良好的广谱性。

    The coconut coir and the powder of peanut hull were good media for germination , for the GI ( the germination index ) of 4 kinds flower seeds reached to 100 .

  4. 椰糠与豆秆粉,适合于生长期相对较短的植物栽培。

    The coconut coir and the powder of soybean stalk fit for the flowers with shorter growth period .

  5. 常用的基质有泥炭土。椰糠。珍珠岩。蛭石,一般混合使用。

    Commonly used matrix has turfy earth , coconut tree branny , pearlite , vermiculite , mix commonly use .

  6. 在新型椰糠复合基质研究基础上,通过夏、秋两季作物种植,分别对基质进行配方优化筛选与评价。

    The experiments on formula selection and evaluation of growth media were carried out respectively in Summer and Autumn .

  7. 以椰糠和泥炭土、黄心土作为桉树扦插的轻型基质。

    Coconut chaff , peat soil and yellow soil are taken as the light medium for Eucalyptus rooted cuttings .

  8. 通过正交试验设计,以椰糠和泥炭土作为轻型基质进行桉树组培苗移栽育苗试验。

    Through orthogonal experiment design , coconut hust and peat were taken as light media in experiment of Eucalyptus tissue-culture shoots transplant .

  9. 扦插试验表明,在花生壳粉、锯木屑、椰糠以及豆秆粉条件下,新几内亚凤仙及一品红扦插苗的生根情况优于泥炭,可以作为扦插基质。

    In the sawdust , coconut coir and the powder of soybean stalk , root of the New Guinea Impatiens and the Euphorbia pulcherrima cutting were better than that in peat .

  10. 最适含水量的调控,可通过调配介质(椰糠)的含水量来达到:20℃以下,调配为30%;25℃以上则为25%。

    To control the most suitable moisture content may be achieved by adjusting the moisture content of coconut dust mixed as a medium at about 25 % above 25 ℃, or 30 % below 20 ℃ .

  11. 在此基础上,采用现场试验研究方法,选择椰糠、砾石和粗砂三种填料类型的复合垂直流人工湿地对天然橡胶加工业低浓度制胶废水进行了深度处理试验研究。

    On this basis , the field test was used to research the removal efficiency of Integrated Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland with coconut husk and gravel and coarse sand on the low concentration rubber wastewater treatment .