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  • coconut milk
  1. 椰子汁是从擦碎的椰肉里榨出来的。

    Coconut milk is expressed from grated coconuts .

  2. 椰子汁没什么营养价值。

    Coconut milk has little nutritive value .

  3. 苹果汁、香蕉汁和椰子汁明显促进原球茎状体的形成;

    Apple juice 、 banana juice and coconut juice promoted PLB inducement ;

  4. 椰子汁对青春双歧杆菌体外增殖的影响

    Effect of coconut milk on the generation of bifidobacterium adolescentis in vitro

  5. 不过可能冰箱里有之前的椰子汁

    but there might be an old coconut water in the fridge --

  6. 他去拿一些新鲜的椰子汁。

    He went to get some fresh coconut milk .

  7. 椰子汁稳定性的研究与分析

    Study on and analysis of stability of coconut juice

  8. 你们知道吗加利福尼亚的椰子汁

    Does you know about that.Some coconut from California .

  9. 椰子汁绿豆奶的生产新工艺

    The new production technique of coconut mung bean milk

  10. 世界首创,中国一绝。天然椰子汁。

    Natural Coco Juice : a world special with enjoyment beyond all your words .

  11. 嘿还有多久能有更多的椰子汁?

    Hey , how long till more coconuts ?

  12. 这种品牌的椰子汁,完全自然风味,正宗南国口味。

    This Brand of coconut milk has pure natural flavour and authentic southern taste .

  13. 椰子汁乳化机理及工艺条件选择

    Studies on the mechanism of coconut juice emulsification and the selection of technical conditions

  14. 椰子汁饮料的稳定性研究

    Study on stability of coconut milk drink

  15. 是的,请给我椰子汁儿。

    Yes , cocoanut juice , please .

  16. 两个女士要一杯香槟和一杯椰子汁,再来两杯散装青岛啤酒。

    One champagne and one coconut water for the ladies and two draught Qingdao beer .

  17. 椰子汁的稳定性研究

    Coconut milk processing and its stability study

  18. 此外,在帮助人体血液达到电解与平衡上,椰子汁也有同样的功效。

    On top of this , coconut water has the same level of electrolytic balance human blood .

  19. 添加蛋白胨、椰子汁、硫胺素和肌醇效果不明显。

    However , the effects are not visible adding peptone , coconut milk , aneurin and inositol .

  20. 我就在那里躺在海滩上,喝椰子汁,然后看着夕阳。

    Jason : I just lay on the beach , drank coconut juice , and watched the sunset there .

  21. 泰瑞:我想要做泰国菜;不过再想一想,我们又没有椰子汁。

    Terry : I was thinking Thai , but on second thought , we don 't have any coconut milk .

  22. 喝柠檬汁、椰子汁和薄优酪乳,补充出汗丢失的水分。

    Drink lemon juice , coconut water and thin buttermilk , to replenish the fluids that are lost in sweat .

  23. 系统地研究了椰子汁饮料的生产工艺及影响其稳定性的主要因素,得到最佳的工艺条件;

    A systematic study was made on the processing technology of coconut milk drink and the major factors influencing its stability .

  24. 我们餐厅有椰子汁、橙汁、菠萝汁、柠檬汁、葡萄汁、西瓜汁等饮料。

    We serve coconut juice , orange juice , pineapple juice , lemon juice , grape juice , watermelon juice and soon .

  25. 椰子汁是绝对安全的水质,可以帮助体内完成生存所必需的水合作用。

    Coconut water has a ton of health benefits . It 's a sterile source of clean water , useful for survival hydration .

  26. 道要点的菜是炖鱼,将鱼(有时还有虾)和西红柿椰子汁一起炖。

    First thing to order : Moqueca de peixe , a fish ( and sometimes shrimp ) stew made with tomatoes and coconut milk .

  27. 因此,椰子汁是不可多得的天然植物蛋白饮料,会被越来越多的人了解和喜爱。

    Bull ; Therefore , the coconut juice is the rare natural vegetable-protein drink , will be more and more person understandings and the affection .

  28. 椰子汁:稚嫩椰子里的汁富含钾,抗氧化剂和其他矿物质,而且是一种提神的零脂饮料。

    Coconut water : The juice from inside young coconuts is high in potassium , antioxidants , and other minerals and is a refreshing non-fat drink .

  29. 她相信,西瓜汁的销售有一天必能与椰子汁比肩——这也是近年来十分流行的一款饮品。

    She believes watermelon juice sales could one day rival the sale of coconut water - another beverage that has become wildly popular in recent years .

  30. 椰奶是一种营养价值很高的滋补品,海南海口罐头厂首创的“天然椰子汁”就是由椰奶加工而成的。

    The nutritional value of milk is a high tonic , Haikou , Hainan 's first canning factory " natural coconut juice " is formed by the milk processing .