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biāo jià
  • mark the price;mark a price;catalog;catalogue;posted price;sticker price;price-tag
标价 [biāo jià]
  • (1) [mark a price]∶标明[商品] 的售出价格

  • (2) [catalog;catalogue]∶在邮票或银币上列出特殊价目

  • 这张邮票标价2美元

  • (3) [posted price]∶即牌价

标价[biāo jià]
  1. 这些东西卖多少钱?它们都没有标价。

    How much are these ? They don 't have a price on them .

  2. 标价是多少?

    What does the price tag say ?

  3. 这就导致了标价过高而往往质量低劣的产品的出现。

    This resulted in overpriced and often inferior products

  4. 售货员给商品标价,然后把它们叠放到货架上。

    The assistants priced the items and stacked them on the shelves .

  5. 例如,人们更愿意购买标价为3.99美元的商品,而不选择4美元的商品。

    For instance , people would rather buy something that is priced at $ 3.99 than those priced at $ 4.00 .

  6. 但现在女王希望通过在网上出售袜子来填补王室6400万英镑的财政损失。然而,皇家收藏商店所出售的新产品标价很高,袜子的价格是69英镑(约合人民币610元)一双。

    The new items on offer at the Royal Collection store come with hefty price tags , however , with the socks priced at £ 69 a pair .

  7. 虽然标价21.99美元,我还是立刻答应了他的要求,很快买下了那个高登快速火车头(GordontheExpressEngine)。

    Despite the $ 21.99 price tag , I complied .

  8. 现在,这辆车在AutoTrader网站上以3.5万英镑的标价出售。

    It is now for sale on Auto Trader 's website for 35,000 .

  9. 这些书的标价可能在8美元左右,其中谷歌留1美元,OnDemandBooks留1美元,零售商留3美元。

    The editions are likely to cost about $ 8 , with Google keeping a dollar , On Demand Books keeping a dollar and the retailer keeping $ 3 .

  10. 例如,products实体可能包含一些诸如产品名称、产品编号和标价之类的信息,这些信息和公司生产的每个产品都相关。

    For example , a products entity might contain information , such as product name , product number , and list price , related to each of the products that your company manufactures .

  11. 卢埃林・克里埃尔(LlewellynKriel),TopEditorInternationalMediaServices的CEO:所有东西――所有东西――都将在网上明码标价地出售。

    Llewellyn Kriel , CEO of TopEditor International Media Services : ' Everything -- every thing -- will be available online with price tags attached .

  12. 我注意到你的书《卧底经济学家》(theundercovereconomist)标价为17.99英镑。

    I notice that your book , the Undercover Economist , has a list price of 17.99 .

  13. 不过,图案不只是希拉里:这个网站上出售的标价最高的衬衫印的是巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama),价格高达1000美元。

    But it 's not only Hillary : the priciest shirt sold on the site was a Barack Obama shirt that went for $ 1,000 .

  14. 智能手机,如Apple的iPhone和Google的Android只是标价过高且表现不佳的移动电话,而且也不能很好的工作。

    Without being able to work with it , smartphones such as Apple 's iPhone and Google 's Android simply become overpriced and underperforming cell phones .

  15. 其结果是,xo笔记本现在的标价约为184美元。

    The result , the XO , now has a price tag of about $ 184 .

  16. 动态标价(DP)是以即时网路运作状况情报为基础的行动服务变动价格设定之自动化手法。

    Dynamic pricing ( DP ) is the approach of offering automated variable pricing of mobile services based on realtime information of network utilization .

  17. Premium允许通过手机和其他非PC设备访问Spotify,标价每月€9.99($14.46)。

    Premium , which allows Spotify to be accessed on mobile and other non-PC devices , is priced a € 9.99 ( $ 14.46 ) a month .

  18. 但有些物品则无人问津,比如,英国流行歌星罗比·威廉姆斯开过的一辆标价为1万英镑的Smart轿车。

    But there were no takers for some of the lots at the auction , such as a Smart car formerly owned by British pop star Robbie Williams , which had a 10000 pound price tag .

  19. 据《广告周刊》报道,Snapchat的广告标价是每天75万美元。

    According to Adweek , Snapchat ads cost $ 750000 per day .

  20. 获得奥斯卡奖(AcademyAward)最佳纪录短片提名的几部片子所用的拍摄器材,看上去跟你带去海滩的那种设备差不多――其标价签也不会让你出身冷汗。

    A few of the short-documentary Academy Award nominees were made with cameras that look like something you might bring to the beach -- with price tags that won 't send you into a sweat .

  21. 几年后,它又有可能收购Facebook,这家公司目前的价值已经超过2000亿美元,当时标价仅10亿美元,但雅虎的底价是8.5亿美元。

    Years later , it could have had Facebook , which is now valued at more than $ 200 billion , for $ 1 billion . Yahoo drew the line at $ 850 million .

  22. 因此,这幅作品被伦敦艺术品交易公司迪金森(Dickinson)标价为一亿英镑,并向高级客户提供这幅作品的出售。

    The work was subsequently valued at 100 million by the London art dealer Dickinson , who offered it for sale to selected clients .

  23. 而在价格金字塔的顶端,奢华的DellAdamo依然标价2699美元。

    At the other end of the pricing spectrum , the top-of-the-line , ultrasleek Dell Adamo is still listed at $ 2,699 .

  24. 2011款Volt的标价是41000美元;省去一些标准配置的2012款售价为39995美元。

    The volt carries a sticker price of $ 41,000 for 2011 ; a 2012 model with less standard equipment will be available for $ 39,995 .

  25. 当JimmyChoo的高档鞋标价到了800美元时,很多人仍说无论如何都“需要”这双最新款的鞋子。

    When the price of Jimmy Choo shoes hit $ 800 , many people said they " needed ' " the latest shoe anyway .

  26. 这4座油田和1条重要管线为壳牌、法国道达尔(Total)和意大利埃尼(Eni)共同拥有,它们的标价比去年底的初步估计增加了一倍。

    The price tag for the four oilfields and a key pipeline co-owned by Shell , Total of France and Eni of Italy has doubled since initial estimates towards the end of last year .

  27. 明年值得关注的新车型将不是标价过高的雪佛兰Volt,而是一款名为雪佛兰科鲁兹(Cruze)的小型车。

    The new model to watch next year won 't be the overpriced Chevy Volt but a small car called the Chevy Cruze .

  28. 店里卖的多数品牌引发了相当程度的“标价震惊”(stickershock,指看到标签上的价格而震惊),如缀满平安针的各款红黑晚礼服标价都能抵上一辆中型轿车的价格。

    Most of the other items in the store induced some degree of sticker shock , such as the various red and black safety-pin laden evening gowns priced in the same range as a mid-sized sedan .

  29. 三星和LG去年曾推出55英寸的全高清曲面OLED电视,不过大约1.5万美元的高昂标价吓住了消费者。

    Samsung and LG rolled out 55-inch full-HD ( high definition ) curved OLED TVs last year but the hefty price tag - roughly $ 15000 - deterred consumers .

  30. 在美国市场,三星高端智能手机的定价与相互竞争的iPhone手机处于同一水平。但三星的手机不时会大幅打折,某些产品的打折价会低到不及产品标价的四分之一。

    Samsung 's high-end smartphones are priced similarly to their iPhone counterparts in the U.S. But Samsung 's devices have been significantly discounted at times , to less than a quarter of the sticker price in some cases .