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chén xiānɡ mù
  • eaglewood;agalloch;aloeswood
  1. 香港大学的树木研究专家詹志勇(CYJim)称,上等沉香木在内地可卖到一公斤一万美元,从树脂中提取的沉香油价格可达一公斤3万美元。

    CY Jim , an authority on trees at the University of Hong Kong who advises the government , said the highest quality agarwood could fetch $ 10000 a kilogramme in China , and the oil distilled from the resin $ 30000 a kilogramme .

  2. 2009年报告的盗砍沉香木事件有15起,2014年升至134起。

    The number of reported incidents of theft has jumped from 15 in 2009 to 134 in 2014 .

  3. 内地不断增长的财富和本土供应的减少,推动了对沉香木需求的飙升。沉香木被用于制作香料和用作中药材。

    Rocketing Chinese demand for the wood , used to make incense and traditional medicines , has been driven by rising wealth and dwindling domestic supply

  4. 香港居民对内地有诸多不满,从大量内地游客涌入香港,到北京方面插手书商失踪事件,不一而足,盗伐沉香木现象只是最新的一件。

    Tree thefts are just the latest item in a long list of Hong Kong residents " gripes with China , from the influx of tourists ; to Beijing 's hand in the booksellers " disappearance .

  5. 沉香树在感染真菌后,会生成树脂,最后结成沉香木并散发独特、浓烈的香味。这时的沉香树才有价值。

    The trees are really valuable only if infected with fungus that causes the creation of a resin that produces the sought-after agarwood and its unique , rich fragrance .