
  • 网络meditation;The Meditations;contemplations
  1. 你们可以去读读第一部沉思录。

    You can go away and read the first meditation .

  2. 在我读过的书里,《沉思录》是我最喜欢的。

    Of all the books I have read , Meditation is the book I like best .

  3. 他的著作《障碍就是道路:将尝试转为成功的永恒艺术》(TheObstacleIstheWay:TheTimelessArtofTurningTrialsIntoTriumph)已经卖出了近25万册,灵感正是来自于马可.奥勒留的《沉思录》(Meditations)。

    He has sold nearly a quarter of a million copies of his book The Obstacle Is the Way : The Timeless Art of Turning Trials Into Triumph , which is inspired by Marcus Aurelius 's Meditations .

  4. 夹缝中的边缘人&现代文学沉思录

    Marginal Man in aCrevice & Meditation over Modern Literature

  5. 三大学科群方法问题沉思录

    On the Methodology of the Three Discipline Groups

  6. 有关中国东部中、新生代活动大陆边缘构造&岩浆作用演化问题沉思录

    Ponderation on Problems about evolution of Mesozoic - cenozoic tectono - magmatism of active continental margin in East China

  7. 张洁小说与其说是表达新时期女性解放的宣言书,不如说是展现女性涅盘的阵痛与艰难的沉思录。

    Zhang Jie 's novels express more thought about throes and difficulties of female nirvana than declaration of female liberation during the New Period .

  8. 我确曾多次阅读马克·奥里利乌斯的沉思录,为他写下的那些话语所深深折服。

    It is true I read the meditations of Marcus Aurelius on many occasions , and I was very deeply impressed by the words that he wrote .

  9. 馆长表示:“这些表演谱写了一部关于心灵探索、自我修正、在异空间生活的沉思录。”

    Instead they are profound meditations on " inner exploration , on modifying the self and of living in other realms beyond our own , " De Loisy said .

  10. 在《沉思录》中,马可.奥勒留写道,如果有人给你奉上一顿美餐,你应该想这是一条鱼的尸体,这是一只鸟或一头猪的尸体。

    In his Meditations , Marcus Aurelius wrote that when you were presented with a fine meal , you should consider this is the dead body of a fish and this is the dead body of a bird or a pig .