
tǐ yù huó dònɡ
  • sports activities;physical activity;gym
  1. 群体竞技体育活动常微分方程模型的稳定性与Hopf分支

    The Asymtotic Stability and Hopf Bifurcation of the Mass Sports Activities

  2. 足活动轻度受限,不影响行走、工作,可进行适当的体育活动,X射线片显示跗跖关节移位<2mm4例;

    Four patients were slightly limited in motion without influences on walking and working , while proper sports activities could be done , and the X-ray showed a displace of tarsometatarsal joint less than 2 mm .

  3. 这种体育活动非常流行。

    Exercises of this kind are very popular .

  4. 我念书的时候一直不喜欢体育活动。

    I always hated games at school .

  5. 进行体育活动是保持身体健康的一个重要因素。

    Physical activity is an important factor in maintaining fitness .

  6. 钓鱼据说是英国最受欢迎的参与式体育活动。

    Fishing is said to be the most popular participatory sport in the U.K

  7. 我从小就患有气喘病,参加不了任何体育活动。

    I have been an asthmatic from childhood and was never able to play any sports .

  8. 体育活动促进身体健康。

    Physical activity promotes good health

  9. 学校没有给她们与男生同样多的参加大学体育活动的机会。

    The school has not given them the same opportunities to participate in varsity sports that men receive .

  10. 她对体育活动兴头很大。

    She is very keen on sport .

  11. 而在年收入低于30000美元的家庭中,仅有59%的孩子参与过体育活动,37%参与过志愿者工作,41%上过艺术课。

    Of families earning less than $ 30,000 , 59 % of children have done sports , 37 % have volunteered and 41 % have taken arts classes .

  12. 劳拉·汉密尔顿研究了父母支付大学学费的现象,她在即将出版的一本书中指出,大学管理部门过度关注学生的社会和体育活动。

    Laura Hamilton , the author of a study on parents who pay for college , will argue in a forthcoming book that college administrations are overly concerned with the social and athletic activities of their students .

  13. 年收入超过75000美元的家庭中84%的父母声称其孩子在过去一年间参加过有组织的体育活动,64%参与过志愿者工作,还有62%学过音乐、舞蹈或美术课。

    Of families earning more than $ 75,000 a year , 84 % say their children have participated in organized sports over the past year , 64 % have done volunteer work and 62 % have taken lessons in music , dance or art .

  14. 体育活动对身体有好处,而且越来越多的证据表明,它对大脑也有益处。

    Physical activity does the body good , and there 's growing evidence that it helps the brain too .

  15. 体育活动可以促进血液流向大脑,从而增强记忆力、注意力和创造力,这些对学习来说都是不可或缺的。

    Physical activity can improve blood flow to the brain , fueling memory , attention and creativity , which are essential to learning .

  16. 在回顾14项关于体育活动与学业表现的研究时,研究者们发现,孩子们活动得越多,在校考试分数就越高,特别是在数学、英语、阅读这些基础学科上。

    In a review of 14 studies that looked at physical activity and academic performance , investigators found that the more children moved , the better their grades were in school , particularly in the basic subjects of math , English and reading .

  17. 体育活动可以减轻压力,帮助人们感到更加放松。

    Physical activity can decrease stress and help people feel more relaxed .

  18. 我也建议你积极参加体育活动和社交活动。

    I also advise you to take an active part in sports and social activities .

  19. 做大量的体育活动和健康的饮食将有助于保持正常体重。

    Doing a lot of physical activities and having a healthy diet will help have normal body weight .

  20. 在任何体育活动中都穿戴合适的个人防护装置(PPE)。

    Wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE ) for any sports .

  21. 他已经打好了基础:SAT高分;参与音乐体育活动;参加各类荣誉团体;逾100小时的社会服务;还荣获了颁发给平均绩点最高的高年级学生的特别奖项。

    He had laid the groundwork : high SAT scores ; participation in sports and music ; a special prize for junior-year students with the highest grade-point averages ; membership in various honor societies ; more than 100 hours of community service .

  22. 但他们对体育活动的认识不足,活动项目单调,锻炼随意性大,没有科学的理论指导。

    Activities However , they have insufficient understanding of sport activities .

  23. 关于构建大课间体育活动课程的若干思考

    Reflection on the Construction of Physical Education During the Long Break

  24. 参加业余体育活动的动机与特质焦虑的关系

    Relation between Motivation and Attributed Anxiety in the Amateur Sports Activities

  25. 激励机制对高校课外体育活动的影响

    The Influence of Encouragement Mechanism on the College Extracurricular Sports Activities

  26. 体育活动是人类特有的一种改造自身的活动

    Sport : a kind of Special action of self - reconstruction

  27. 海岛大学生课外体育活动行为特征的调查研究与对策

    Research on Behavior Characteristic of Extracurricular Sports Activities of Island Undergraduates

  28. 社区体育活动中的健身健美方法

    The Methods of Gymnasium and Muscular Development in Community Sports Activities

  29. 浅谈体育活动治疗大学生心理障碍

    Application of Physical Activity in Healing College Students ' Psychological Obstacles

  30. 基于多媒体技术的体育活动课程实施及效果评价

    Implementation of Athletics Courses Based on Multimedia Technology and Effects Evaluation