
  • 网络stadium;venue;Gymnasium
  1. ISO9000族标准对体育场馆的管理具有重要的作用和意义,体育场馆经营管理现状、市场地位等急需ISO9000族标准规范,ISO9000族标准适合于体育场馆。

    The ISO9000 Series Standards are significant and produce an important effect on the management of gymnasium . It is necessary for the operation , management and marketing of the gymnasium at present to be regulated by the ISO9000 Series Standards , which is suitable for them .

  2. 基于最优设防烈度的体育场馆的抗震概念设计

    The Aseismic Conceptual Design of the Gymnasium Based on Optimal Fortification Intensity

  3. 从目前情况看,各地大型体育场馆的运营和管理都急需更新升级,与世界接轨。

    Our current management and operation of major stadiums need to be updated with international practices .

  4. 对于一些举办完大型赛事后就关闭不用的体育场馆,应寻求更为功能化、商业化的管理模式,为它们注入新活力。

    More functions and business modes could be explored to rejuvenate1 some venues2 that have fallen into disuse after hosting just one major event .

  5. LED点阵数码混合显示在体育场馆中的应用

    Application of LED Eight-Segment Code and Dots Matrix Mixed Display Panel in the stadium

  6. 体育场馆BOT融资方式的适用性评价模型

    Adaptable Evaluation Model for BOT Fund-Raising In Building Stadiums

  7. 试论PPP融资模式在我国大型体育场馆融资中的应用

    Research on Application of PPP Financing Mode in Large-Scale Gyms Construction in China

  8. 证实了BOT模式应用于我国体育场馆的可行性。

    It is confirmed that BOT mode can be applied to our sports venues . 3 .

  9. 我国公共体育场馆采用BOT项目融资方式的探讨

    A Probe into the Adoption of BOT Project Financing Modes in Public Stadium and Gymnasium in our Country

  10. 本文基于PPP的视角,构建了转型期大型体育场馆的建管体系。

    Based on the perspective of PPP , the paper builds a construction and management system for large-scale Stadium in social transition .

  11. 通过对BOT融资方式特点的分析,构建了体育场馆BOT融资方式的适用性评价模型和评价方法。

    By analysing the characteristics of BOT model , the article formulates an adaptable evaluation model and evaluation methods for adopting BOT fund-raising model in building stadiums .

  12. 如今LED显示屏应用十分广泛,比如证券交易、金融、车站、体育场馆、道路交通、机场航班、调度指挥中心、商场、广告媒体、邮政、演出、展览会等各种公共场所。

    Widely used in securities trading , financial , station , stadiums , road traffic , airport flight , scheduling command center , shopping mall , advertising media , postal service , performances , exhibitions and all kinds of other public places .

  13. 许多高校通过BOT模式建设供热设施、体育场馆、学生餐厅,将高校后勤与教学科研相分离,使后勤运营成为独立的系统。

    BOT mode is applied to construction of heating facilities , stadiums and student dining halls in many universities to separate university logistics from teaching and research , enabling an independent operated system of logistics .

  14. 采用文献资料和SPA同异反系统理论研究浙江省11个地市在体育场馆、体育用品专营制造、体育彩票三者之间的同异反协同关系。

    This article studies the coordinate relationship of similarities , differences and counter coordination among stadiums , manufacturers of sports articles and physical education lottery in eleven Zhejiang regional cities by resorting to documents and the SPA systematic theory .

  15. 建筑师认为这是一个城市一个城市内的WVOWS,而不仅仅是一个综合体育场馆。

    The architects see the WVOWS as a town within a town rather than just a sports complex .

  16. BOT投融资模式项目的生命周期较长,项目进行期间易出现变化,要在变化中总结经验,提高应对变化的能力,逐渐走出一条适合中国国情的体育场馆BOT投融资模式。

    The BOT project usually has a long life cycle . There are prone to many changes during its operation . We should summary the experience in changes and improve the ability to cope with the changes , find the suitable BOT financing mode for Chinese practice gradually .

  17. 组成,而不是一个综合体育场馆的WVOWS结合了使用开放的空间和各种公共花园村个别建筑物。

    Composed as a village rather than a sports complex the WVOWS combines individual buildings with a variety of uses with open spaces and public gardens .

  18. 尽管数以百万计的巴西人仍住在破烂的贫民窟——没有卫生、医疗、教育和交通设施可言——但巴西决定投入逾110亿美元兴建崭新的体育场馆,以及国际足联(Fifa)要求的其它所有设施。

    While millions of Brazilians still live in shanty towns - without access to decent sanitation , healthcare , education and transport - Brazil had chosen to pour more than $ 11bn into building glistening new stadiums , as well as all the other facilities demanded by Fifa , the international football federation .

  19. 我国大型体育场馆投融资的策略选择

    The Strategy in Choosing the Chinese Financing Pattern of Stadium Building

  20. 论大型体育场馆的营销创新

    Discussion on the Marketing Creation of the Large-scaled Stadium & Gymnasium

  21. 某大型体育场馆消防安全性能化评估

    Performance-based evaluation of fire safety for a certain large sport stadium

  22. 高尚全力主民本经济浅析大型体育场馆的经营与管理

    Primary Analysis on Economy and management of Large Stadium and Gym

  23. 大型体育场馆的管理与运营问题研究

    Research on Problems of Management and Operations of Large Sports Stadiums

  24. 广州市体育场馆营运绩效综合评价体系研究

    Study on Performance Evaluation System of Stadium and Gymnasium in Guangzhou

  25. 我国公共体育场馆的资产性质及其改革

    Nature of Estate and Reform of Public Sport Stadium in China

  26. 西方国家大型体育场馆民营化改革研究

    Privatization Reform of Large-scale Gymnasiums and Stadiums in the Western Nations

  27. 江苏省体育场馆发展与江苏体育事业相关性研究

    The Study of Sports Facilities Development and Sports-Related in Jiangsu Province

  28. 我国大型体育场馆的经营困境分析

    Analysis to the management predicament of large-scale stadium of China

  29. 电子计分牌是体育场馆中不可缺少的重要设备。

    The electronic scoreboard is essential for stadiums and gymnasiums .

  30. 体育场馆抗震加固及改造方法的研究

    Study on Methods of Seismic Strengthening and Retrofitting for Gymnasiums