
  • entryway;vestibule;Entrance;hallway
  • the front door
玄关 [xuán guān]
  • [the front door] 住宅的正门

  • 一打开玄关,随即迎上来太太的脸

  1. 玄关在日本和韩国的家庭都有的。

    Vestibule of the family in Japan and South Korea have .

  2. 住宅玄关设计

    Design of House Vestibule

  3. 玄关处的大厅铺着黑白相间的大理石地砖。

    The entrance-hall was paved with black and white marble tiles .

  4. 有一天早上他叫苏跟他到玄关处。

    One morning he asked Sue to follow him into the hall .

  5. 他穿过玄关,上了楼梯。

    He walked across the hall and up the stairs .

  6. 进进出出之间,玄关的安排自蕴玄机。

    Between in and out , the arrangement of porch from accumulate mystery .

  7. 古典玄关柜配精致了墙面设计。

    Classic porch ark with delicate metope design .

  8. 本文主要阐述了玄关的历史起源、文化属性及其传统隐喻。

    The article mainly analyses the origin , culture and tradition of front door .

  9. 最后对影壁和玄关的借鉴传承关系作了简要分析。

    Finally , the screen wall and entrance of the reference transmission has been analyzed .

  10. 杰克看到了放在玄关的鞋子的尺寸时,甚为吃惊。

    Jack grew timid when he saw the size of the shoes on the front step .

  11. 我在玄关做了将近一两个小时,她仍然与我同在。

    I sat on the porch for an hour , maybe two . It 's still with me .

  12. 我当场看到我的芬兰邻居偷偷进他自己的房间还假装没在玄关看到我:

    I caught my Finnish neighbor sneaking into his room and pretending that he didn 't see me in the hallway :

  13. 您可以在进门的玄关处就同时打开客厅,餐厅和厨房的灯光。

    You can in the porch place of the door will open up to the sitting room , dining-room and kitchen light .

  14. 你可以把这拐杖糖放玄关,然后再把这些彩色球,铃铛跟彩带挂在圣诞树上吗?

    Can you put the candy cane on the doorway and then hang these color balls , bells and ribbons on the tree ?

  15. 方寸之地,玄关也是一道关隘。进进出出之间,玄关的安排自蕴玄机。

    The ground of heart , porch also is a pass . Between in and out , the arrangement of porch from accumulate mystery .

  16. 你可以画你家的玄关,不过在地板上加条充满岩浆的大裂缝。

    For instance , you could draw a hallway in your home , but draw in a giant crack across the floor filled with lava .

  17. 照明方面,由于玄关里有许多弯曲的拐角、小角落与缝隙,所以让照明设计分外困难。

    Illume respect , because there are a lot of bent corners , little corner and crack in porch , let illume design so especially difficult .

  18. 在房间的整体设计中,玄关作为给人“第一印象”的地方,其重要性是可想而知的。

    In the integral design of the room , porch serves as a person " the first impression " place , its importance cans be imagined .

  19. 销售地点是一个典型的车库、车道、车棚、前院,玄关,或偶尔会进到家里去。

    The sales venue is typically a garage , driveway , carport , front yard , porch , or occasionally , the interior of a house .

  20. 玄关的概念来源于中国,随后由日本人将其定位为功能性空间,特指室内与室外之间的一个过渡空间。

    The concept of porch from China , followed by the Japanese Defined its position as functional space , In particular the transitional space between indoor and outdoor .

  21. 可制作电视背景墙、沙发背景墙、床头背景、卧室艺术墙、书房文化墙、玄关图案、天花装饰、家具表面装饰等。

    Can produce TV setting wall , sofa setting wall , the head of a bed , wall art background , bedroom wall study culture , porch design , smallpox decoration , furniture surface decoration etc.

  22. 玄关的设计与制造,在讲求格调上一定要以别致、新奇、“出彩儿”为诉求,并找到有机而巧妙的结合点。

    The design of porch and make , go up in style of be particular about must with chic , novel ," give prize " beg to appeal to , find organic and clever union place .

  23. 玄关因地制宜,可大可小;因人制宜,可简可繁,但绝不能可有可无,应当根据它的要求,认真处理。

    Porch adjust measures to local conditions , but can small ; Because the person makes appropriate , but Jian Kefan , but absolutely cannot dispensable , ought to ask according to it , serious processing .

  24. 进门一楼是玄关,上到二楼有一大(50平米)一小(30平米)两个房间及卫生间(8平米);

    The door on the porch , on the first floor to floor is a large ( 50 square meters ) a small ( 30 square meters ) two rooms and toilet ( 8 square meters );

  25. 通过本课题对民用玄关空间的家具设计与研究,可以知道,民用玄关家具的设计是在理性的调查研究、资料搜集、整理分析的指导下完成的感性设计活动过程。

    Through the thesis of Civil Residential Porch Furniture Design and Research , We can know that the design of civil porch furniture is a perceptual process under the guidance of rational research 、 data collection analysis .

  26. 玄关、客厅、餐厅、卧室、阳台及走廊等,特别适合放在阳台、窗台,飘窗台,睡床边,沙发前。

    Entrance , living room , dining room , bedroom , balcony and corridors , Particularly suitable for on the balcony , bay windows , Convex windows , bedside , Right in front of the sofa and so on .

  27. 布莱克家的房子有圆形窗户和弧形墙面,潘朝阳设计时保留了房间和楼梯原来的大小比例,增加了几面墙和玄关,拐角为弧形设计,使之与流线型的房屋结构相配。

    For the black residence , which features circular windows and curved surfaces , Wallis kept the scale of the rooms and the staircase and added walls and entry thresholds with curved corners to match streamlined attributes of the structure .

  28. 而且随着家具行业产品分工的越来越细,玄关家具慢慢的已成为一个品类,随着品牌的引入,科技的引入,会做得越来越专业,会使其越来越独立和独特。

    The product division become more and more detailed in furniture industry , porch furniture has become a category slowly . With the introduction of the brand and technology , porch furniture will do more and more professional , independent and distinctive .

  29. 玄关处的鞋柜可容纳200双鞋。但该公寓的画龙点睛之笔还在于配有休息区的后花园,客人可以在那里“观赏四季迷人的花园”。

    The storage for shoes in the entrance has space to accommodate 200 pairs of shoes , but the focal point of the property is the courtyard with a surrounding lounge area where guests can " enjoy the charming seasonal garden . "

  30. 针对现代户型设计以人为本的要求,介绍了室内储物空间、阳台空间、玄关空间的功能,结合功能要求探讨了其设计要点,从而为人提供一个舒适的生活环境,促进现代住宅的发展。

    According to requirement of modern house design which is based on people , it introduces function of storing space 、 balcony space and profound space , then discusses design points combined with function to supply comfortable living environment for people and promote development of modern house .