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  • trihedral;trihedron
三面体[sān miàn tǐ]
  1. 对回转车削三面体的过程进行了运动学分析,建立了刀尖相对于工件的运动方程,计算了用该方法加工三面体零件时的各个参数。

    Aimed at a kind of rotary cutting machine , the machining process of trihedron cutting is kinematically analyzed , and the moving locus equations of cutting edge are deduced .

  2. 测量头是一铅质直角三面体.其上装有六个感应式位移传感器;

    Six displacement sensors of inductive type are mounted on the measuring head .

  3. 对三面体铝合金转镜的模拟结果表明,运用该方法设计转镜的临界点,可保证实际运转中临界点出现在选定的转速范围。

    And the calculating results from three-face aluminous mirror indicate that the critical points of new mirror may be guaranteed in the select speed range .

  4. 三重八面体变几何桁架机器人间接位置分析的符号解

    Symbolic Solutions of Inverse Displacement Analysis for Triple Octahedron Variable Geometry Truss Manipulators

  5. 三面柱体可变信息标志系统

    Prismatic variable message sign system

  6. 同时也证明了三度二面体群上的Cayley图是有理的。

    It is also proved that Cayley graph with 3 degree on a dihedral group is rational .

  7. 以某水电站F3,F9断层上盘变形体为对象,开展了U形河段三面临空变形体稳定性分析。

    Based on the upper plate deformation body of F3 and F9 faults in a hydropower station , stability analysis was made on the three-side hanging deformation body in a U-shape river reach .

  8. 水晶中三方偏方面体单形的结晶习性

    Crystallization Habits of the Trigonal Trapezohedron Simple Form of Synthetic Quartz

  9. 这三个八面体通过三个共用平面联接。

    The three octahedra are linked up by three coplanes .

  10. 三滑面五面体滑动算例进一步验证该方法的适用性。

    The stability of a pentahedron block is further analyzed to verify the applicability of the method .

  11. 镶齿三面刃铣刀刀体裂纹分析

    Cracking analysis of cutter body for insert three side milling-cutter

  12. 基于三面投影的平面体自动构形数据预处理

    The pre-processing of auto-formation data based the tri-angle projection of the plane body

  13. 基于三面投影的平面体构型

    The Plane Body Modeling by Tri-angle Projection

  14. 三角帽(帽檐三面卷起的).复三方偏三角面体类

    Cocked hat ; hat with the brim turned up on three sides ditrigonal scalenohedral class