
sān wén zhì
  • sandwich
  1. 广场附近我原来很喜欢的Elsie三文治餐�

    Elsie 's a sandwich spot I used to love near the Square

  2. 薄膜的R~T测量曲线显示出超磁阻(CMR)效应和超导转变,预示着超导和铁磁特性共存于LCMO/YBCO/LCMO三文治结构。

    Colossal magnetoresistance ( CMR ) effect and superconducting transition are shown in R ~ T curve , indicating the coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in the LCMO / YBCO / LCMO sandwich structures .

  3. 我们不禁要称赞RaymondTong把原本可能只售评价一般、提供意粉三文治的咖啡店改造成咖啡爱好者的天地。

    We 've got to give Raymond Tong credit for turning what could have been just another mediocre pasta-and-sandwich caf é into a destination for coffee lovers .

  4. 玲玲吃了一个三文治因为她不喜欢吃汉堡。

    Lingling had a sandwich because she doesn 't like hamburgers .

  5. 变性淀粉对三文治质量的影响

    Effect of Modified Starch on the Quality of Sandwich Ham

  6. 我待会自己做个火鸡三文治。

    I 'll make myself a nice turkey sandwich later .

  7. 我们用羹匙把果酱抹在面包上,再把面包对折,做成果酱三文治。

    We spooned jelly onto bread and folded it over into sandwiches .

  8. 汉堡包是用牛肉或蛋制作的三文治。

    A hamburger is sandwiched with beef or an egg .

  9. 我给你做了芝士三文治。-噢,我的最爱。

    I made you grilled cheese . - My favi .

  10. 素食者全被轻视,对绝对素食者的最佳忠告则只能吃三文治。

    Vegetarians are sneered at and vegans are best advised to take sandwiches .

  11. 接着,他把手伸进口袋,却拿出了一份鸡肉三文治。

    He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a chicken sandwich .

  12. 真空包装切片三文治火腿的加工工艺与配比

    The Formulation and Processing of Vacuum-packaged Sliced Sandwich Ham

  13. 谁去拿宾治和三文治吧!

    Somebody get the punch ! Get the sandwiches !

  14. 你们俩有谁试过炼奶三文治吗?

    Have either of you tried condensed milk sandwiches ?

  15. 猜猜我对那个三文治做了什么?

    So guess what I did to that sandwich ?

  16. 我的红牛和三文治在哪里?

    Where 's my Red Bull and my sandwich ?

  17. 三文治火腿配方的优化筛选

    Screening and Optimizing of the Formulation of Sandwich Ham

  18. 她用蜡纸包三文治。

    She folded the sandwich in wax paper .

  19. 卓喜:我还要鲑肉三文治和一个奶油蛋糕。

    Josie : And I 'd like some salmon sandwiches and a cream cake .

  20. 这是特别为你做的三文治。

    This is a special sandwich for you .

  21. 我中午吃了一大堆三文治。

    I had an enormous sandwich for lunch .

  22. 带三文治的人、两位摄影师和大卫。

    The man with the sandwiches and Attenborough himself , and the pilot too .

  23. 我不喜欢吃汉堡包和三文治。

    Idon 't like hamburger and sandwich .

  24. 我想要一份三文治。

    I want to have a sandwich .

  25. 蛋沙拉三文治是熊熊最爱吃的东西。

    Egg-salad sandwiches were Bear 's favorite .

  26. 他们找到最近的一家酒吧,走进去坐下吃他们的三文治。

    They found the nearest small bar , went in and sat down with their sandwiches .

  27. 是我的腊肠三文治?

    Is it my bologna sandwich ?

  28. 三文治式复合体修复胸壁大面积缺损的手术配合

    Cooperation during Surgical Procedure of Reconstruction of Large Area Chest Wall Defect by a Sandwich type Combination

  29. 轻便三文治机:哈哈,自制三文治,简单又轻便。

    Light 3 article treat machine : Ha , abstain 3 article to treat , simple light .

  30. 在我手太小以无法拿好冰激凌三文治时,是这双手给予我帮助;

    Hands that had helped me to reach the ice cream sandwiches my tiny fingers couldn 't quite grasp .