
  • 网络the roman catholic church;Roman Catholics;The Roman Catholic
  1. 这两部极具娱乐性,追求整体效果,建立在事实基础上的程序剧(procedural)都是关于惊人的犯罪与腐败滋生的大型机构的故事——一个是关于罗马天主教会,一个是关于华尔街银行。

    Two terrifically entertaining , ensemble-driven , fact-based procedurals about appalling crimes and the institutions - the Roman Catholic Church and Wall Street banks - that allowed corruption to fester .

  2. 其中包括古巴首个私立MBA课程(由罗马天主教会(RomanCatholicChurch)开办)创办人、古巴文化经济研究中心(TheCenterfortheStudyoftheCubanCulture+Economy)主任,以及哈瓦那大学(UniversityofHavana)法学院的一名知名教授。

    These include the founder of Cuba 's first private MBA programme , run by the Roman Catholic Church , the director of The Center for the Study of the Cuban Culture + Economy and a distinguished professor from the University of Havana law school .

  3. 梵蒂冈城也是罗马天主教会的总部。

    Vatican City is also the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church .

  4. (罗马天主教会)七个指定祷告时间中之一。

    ( Roman Catholic Church ) one of seven specified times for prayer .

  5. 自然,后来她又皈依罗马天主教会,因为他们有红衣主教,蜡烛点得更多。

    And next she naturally changed to Rome , where there were cardinals and more candles .

  6. 持有和罗马天主教会的教条相冲突的宗教信仰的人。

    A person who holds religious beliefs in conflict with the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church .

  7. 我知道她是罗马天主教会的修女,以教育管理者的身份来度假的。

    I learned that she was a Roman Catholic nun on vacation from her position as an educational administrator .

  8. 他本来是不情愿将这个观点公之于众的,因为伽利略说过,若提出地球绕着太阳转,将会遭到罗马天主教会的谴责与惩罚。

    He was reluctant to publish that because Galileo having said that the earth orbits the sun was condemned by the roman catholic church and punished .

  9. 十六世纪的一场宗教运动,开始时是作为改革罗马天主教会的尝试,结果却创立了新教。

    A religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches .

  10. 在二十世纪中叶,美国三分之二的教徒属于三个不同的教会:罗马天主教会、浸礼会和卫理公会。

    In the mid-twentieth century two-thirds of all church members in the United States belonged to three different churches : Roman Catholic , Baptist , and Methodist .

  11. 这不仅揭开了异教徒们进一步挑战基督教的序幕,还使得基督的追随者们只能通过罗马天主教会-这个唯一确定的神圣途径-来给自己赎罪。

    This not only precluded further pagan challenge to Christianity , but now the followers of Christ were able to redeem themselves only via the established sacred channel & the Roman Catholic Church .

  12. 他并没有提及在中国的预计的1200万天主教徒,其中大约一半非法的听从罗马天主教会的领导,其余一半则听从中国官方支持的、梵蒂冈反对的天主教会的领导。

    He didn 't address the estimated 12 million Catholics in China , about half of whom illegally follow the lead of the Roman Catholic Church while the other half worship in the officially sanctioned , Vatican-rejecting Catholic church .

  13. 罗马教廷统治罗马天主教会的中央管理机构。

    The central administration governing the church .